To the end of the year, that is. Too much to comment about 2010 whereas I could say "This is my settling year" Means, settling through conditions, life and love. Getting used to what's been happening in the family, uni, friends, relationship, society and such. It's been a great year I could say!
For the upcoming year, I guess I won't be making the usual resolution list like I usually do. It's kinda useless in a way because they never seem to work out for me. Probably the hardest would always be the procrastinating issues - surely the hardest thing to get over with each year.
I got my 2011 hopes in mind and I'd rather let things go with the flow. Get what I need, when I can. Go where I want, when I want to. Be with the people who can make me feel like myself. Enjoy things as they are. It'd be way better!
Many unforgettable moments will always remain in this short-term memory of mine. Ones too good to be true. Ones filled up with tears. Unstoppable laughter, continuing pain. The feeling of comfort, friendship, like, love and connections all rounded up with smiles and frowns. Dissapointment towards myself, friends and situations. But what happens, happens and that makes it all a part of experience and learning. Too many people to thank that I know of, that have filled up almost 365 days of this year with joy and tears of laughter.
Simply hope for a better year ahead for myself, the fambam, friends, this nation and everyone I know. Healthier, wealthier and wiser :)
Thanks for the memories, 2010!
xoxo Make the best of each day ahead!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
"They'll only see what you've been doing. They'll never know the reason WHY you did it and the effort you put to it. Ignore bullshit. Keep your ears detoxified and let whatever. You know the game"
Friday, November 26, 2010
Dear anonymous,
Learn to confront people when you've got a problem. Come to them, say it, explain it. Don't go around tweeting shit about them. Minds aren't that stupid to know whats going on. You go on saying this and that then in person you act all nice and everything. Why be such a hypocrite? No use at all. You hate then you come back as if nothing happened then it goes through this cycle all over again. Grow up, your not a kindy kid anymore. And if you're just looking for attention, well then I feel sorry for you.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Call me stupid. Yes. Call me naive. Yes. I know what I did actually hurt me eventhough you think I'm all ok with this. My smiles mean a million things right now. You always say I give good advices but if only you knew in a way they strike back at me with pain. I say this, you do precise. Then? Look what happens now. How long has this been going on? I can't believe I keep up with this shit. Yeah shit, absolutely ridicilous. You're there a day and gone another. Being there, the support, jokes, mild thoughts. Almost everything. How do I conclude to all this? Please, just please..
I know. Regrets come way after you've gone kilometers ahead. After you've driven into a pole which you couldn't see cos you were too busy tuning the radio looking for a good song to accompany you through the journey. Yeah yeah I'm not a newbie in this kinda thing but stupidly, I never learn and you never seem to make it any better. If only you'd understand, this is what I really don't want. Hey regret! Befriended. I just never came to realize that I, whatever. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. Hope we can work it out, somehow.
I know. Regrets come way after you've gone kilometers ahead. After you've driven into a pole which you couldn't see cos you were too busy tuning the radio looking for a good song to accompany you through the journey. Yeah yeah I'm not a newbie in this kinda thing but stupidly, I never learn and you never seem to make it any better. If only you'd understand, this is what I really don't want. Hey regret! Befriended. I just never came to realize that I, whatever. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. Hope we can work it out, somehow.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Things are so cenwo
God I feel so worn out. I've missed three days of my medication-make that four looking at the clock, and the feel of fainting just keeps coming :|
Football life just ended last week and kinda sad there's not going to be everyday practice anymore. First place, gold medals, and huge smiles earned at the most prestigious sports event at uni. Srikandi Sastra deep down earns a place in my heart :') Best coach, rockin team!
So so sooo, Gates was awesome despite the weather which sucked. A story too long to tell but worth to remember :) Heaps of fun and events made the day wonderful and enjoying. Learnt many valuable life lessons and thankful that I'm a part of the English Department :)
Now, dealing with this theatre thingy and to be honest if I could, a rest for a few days would be REALLY good, it'd be the best offer on the calendar right now, unluckily no. Hope this event goes well eventhough things are still far from ready. To make things worse, E-days and Duren Cup are coming up, which means... Just need a break right now, seriously. If my illness gets worser by anytime, can't imagine myself being allowed to go anywhere aaaaah. One hope: Decent rest!
Football life just ended last week and kinda sad there's not going to be everyday practice anymore. First place, gold medals, and huge smiles earned at the most prestigious sports event at uni. Srikandi Sastra deep down earns a place in my heart :') Best coach, rockin team!
So so sooo, Gates was awesome despite the weather which sucked. A story too long to tell but worth to remember :) Heaps of fun and events made the day wonderful and enjoying. Learnt many valuable life lessons and thankful that I'm a part of the English Department :)
Now, dealing with this theatre thingy and to be honest if I could, a rest for a few days would be REALLY good, it'd be the best offer on the calendar right now, unluckily no. Hope this event goes well eventhough things are still far from ready. To make things worse, E-days and Duren Cup are coming up, which means... Just need a break right now, seriously. If my illness gets worser by anytime, can't imagine myself being allowed to go anywhere aaaaah. One hope: Decent rest!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Things are hazy
The delight being around you keeps me curving my lips in joy. But it's confusing, the fact that I don't get what's on your mind. It's like looking through a foggy window. You see something but don't know what it clearly is. You just have this thing in you that makes it so hard to explain. At least I'd like to say, that you made my days a tad brighter. But still...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bla blaaaa
I miss my mom. I miss my dad. I miss my lil brat. I miss home wherever it actually is which at this time I don't have a clue. Had a night where I cried myself to sleep after mom called and she said that she had the flu but I knew that she was crying. Just couldn't help it. I miss them A LOT!
There's something missing, I don't know what. Can't describe it, can even explain it. Each time I try to, the words just never come out right. I don't what it is and I hate guessing about all this. Please make things clear, so I can clear out this stuffed up mind.
There's something missing, I don't know what. Can't describe it, can even explain it. Each time I try to, the words just never come out right. I don't what it is and I hate guessing about all this. Please make things clear, so I can clear out this stuffed up mind.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
TIWYG when you lose composure.
I'm stepping out cos I want to. I don't wanna keep this inside and have myself stuck and running on the spot. I've turned the page and now I've got a clear page to fill in with new things. Life, uni, situations and yes of course, love. My strangled smile, strangled no more.
What meets the eye sometimes stays in the heart. I guess you're different from the rest. It's funny how in a lotta ways you really really seem the same as the main character in my past chapter. It's like seeing a doppelganger... You both have the same interest and genre in music, brains, how youse type, how youse talk, how youse dress, wew wassup with this?
But nah you're special in your own way. I don't expect anything. Just a smile that can brighten up a dull day, perhaps everyday :)
What meets the eye sometimes stays in the heart. I guess you're different from the rest. It's funny how in a lotta ways you really really seem the same as the main character in my past chapter. It's like seeing a doppelganger... You both have the same interest and genre in music, brains, how youse type, how youse talk, how youse dress, wew wassup with this?
But nah you're special in your own way. I don't expect anything. Just a smile that can brighten up a dull day, perhaps everyday :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Random stuff
I guess it'd be nice to have a friend to speak to in english through daily basis. I mean, not just by comments, twitter, chat, phonecalls or etc. But an everyday person I get to meet either at uni or wherever, you know, ones that get those inside jokes and hillarious slangs. I'm not with Mum and Dad anymore so that makes things even worse, cos at least with them, we can say a thing or two, take it as practice. One thing for sure is that I've lost my accent due to the lack of verbal actions :s
But idk... It bothers me that when english is used here (most) people tend to think differently towards the real purpose of using it. Just kinda dissapointed that I go to an english based major and it's only used by a few of the teaching staff whilst 90% of it is Indonesian. Way different in UI where they use english as one of their main daily communication. Meh, but fortunately I feel real comfortable here so I cbb to go over those tests again to get into UI anymore haha.
So long for random thoughts!
But idk... It bothers me that when english is used here (most) people tend to think differently towards the real purpose of using it. Just kinda dissapointed that I go to an english based major and it's only used by a few of the teaching staff whilst 90% of it is Indonesian. Way different in UI where they use english as one of their main daily communication. Meh, but fortunately I feel real comfortable here so I cbb to go over those tests again to get into UI anymore haha.
So long for random thoughts!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Twitter effect (SD)
#jamansd first crush gw lopiseni tui :)
#jamansd gw pinter matematika.
#jamansd kicked a guy in his balls cos he was being an ass to my friend.
#jamansd jadi school captain :)
#jamansd ikut ekskul oztag, netball, gardening, swimming sama dance.
#jamansd jadi teacher's pet which was kind of a burden.
#jamansd bikin mudcakes dari lumpur, hiasannya cacing tanah.
#jamansd body super lentur, kayang handstand flip dll kecil! sekarang no comment.
#jamansd benci banget sama nenek sihir yg jaga perpus yg mirip cruella de vil.
#jamansd jatoh dari 30 set tangga, kaki kiri patah, gabisa jalan 3 minggu.
#jamansd nemuin majalah bokep orang jatoh pas lg jalan, terus diancem bakal dibunuh kalo bilang-bilang.
#jamansd my first puppy love :D
#jamansd atlit lari, sekarang bangkotan haha
#jamansd suka pake lipgloss super shiny, ew haha.
#jamansd suka banget baca buku, sekarang hem.
#jamansd koleksi hadiah happy meal ampe bejibun.
#jamansd sebelum berangkat sekolah nonton sailor moon, humphrey, dragonball z, pokemon etc on channel 10.
#jamansd ngewakilin sekolah di cross country district zone.
#jamansd pertama kalinya nambang emas, seru!
#jamansd masih sega, ps1, nintendo dkk dan games kaya lemmings, street fighter dll top banget.
#jamansd suka dititipin di rumah tante ama om.
#jamansd pertama kali ngeliat guru gw main spanish guitar dan gw langsung jatoh cinta sama gitar.
#jamansd first time went to a 'party'.
#jamansd diajak bolos ngaji buat nemenin sepupu main bilyard sama cowonya.
#jamansd pertama kali belajar naik sepeda roda dua sama pogo stick.
#jamansd pas ngaji afalan yg gw afal banyaaaaak banget.
#jamansd doyan tukeran kertas diary.
#jamansd daya inget gw masih bagus.
#jamansd ada guru gw yg akhirnya jd kepala sekolah tingginya 2m lebih, like shaq!
#jamansd beli sepatu sekolah selalu nike dan model gajauh beda. bokap ampe bosen.
#jamansd first catfight!
#jamansd saya tomboy tapi memperhatikan penampilan.
#jamansd kecelakaan dahsyat, kulit pantat kegores ban pas lagi diboncengin naik sepeda kepleset ke ban pas ada polisi tidur, dan sodara gw ga berhenti.
#jamansd rambut klimis, poni dua helai, ponytail.
#jamansd keranjingan boyband sama teen pop singers.
#jamansd paling suka pelajaran spelling and art.
#jamansd kamar penuh poster usher, nelly, lil bow wow haha.
#jamansd was one of the hardest goodbyes in my life.
#jamansd adaptasi jadi anak baru lagi.
#jamansd cengok ga ngerti bahasa 'gaul' haha
#jamansd untung dapet temen yg sama superbaiknya di sd sebelumnya.
and the list will never end...
#jamansd gw pinter matematika.
#jamansd kicked a guy in his balls cos he was being an ass to my friend.
#jamansd jadi school captain :)
#jamansd ikut ekskul oztag, netball, gardening, swimming sama dance.
#jamansd jadi teacher's pet which was kind of a burden.
#jamansd bikin mudcakes dari lumpur, hiasannya cacing tanah.
#jamansd body super lentur, kayang handstand flip dll kecil! sekarang no comment.
#jamansd benci banget sama nenek sihir yg jaga perpus yg mirip cruella de vil.
#jamansd jatoh dari 30 set tangga, kaki kiri patah, gabisa jalan 3 minggu.
#jamansd nemuin majalah bokep orang jatoh pas lg jalan, terus diancem bakal dibunuh kalo bilang-bilang.
#jamansd my first puppy love :D
#jamansd atlit lari, sekarang bangkotan haha
#jamansd suka pake lipgloss super shiny, ew haha.
#jamansd suka banget baca buku, sekarang hem.
#jamansd koleksi hadiah happy meal ampe bejibun.
#jamansd sebelum berangkat sekolah nonton sailor moon, humphrey, dragonball z, pokemon etc on channel 10.
#jamansd ngewakilin sekolah di cross country district zone.
#jamansd pertama kalinya nambang emas, seru!
#jamansd masih sega, ps1, nintendo dkk dan games kaya lemmings, street fighter dll top banget.
#jamansd suka dititipin di rumah tante ama om.
#jamansd pertama kali ngeliat guru gw main spanish guitar dan gw langsung jatoh cinta sama gitar.
#jamansd first time went to a 'party'.
#jamansd diajak bolos ngaji buat nemenin sepupu main bilyard sama cowonya.
#jamansd pertama kali belajar naik sepeda roda dua sama pogo stick.
#jamansd pas ngaji afalan yg gw afal banyaaaaak banget.
#jamansd doyan tukeran kertas diary.
#jamansd daya inget gw masih bagus.
#jamansd ada guru gw yg akhirnya jd kepala sekolah tingginya 2m lebih, like shaq!
#jamansd beli sepatu sekolah selalu nike dan model gajauh beda. bokap ampe bosen.
#jamansd first catfight!
#jamansd saya tomboy tapi memperhatikan penampilan.
#jamansd kecelakaan dahsyat, kulit pantat kegores ban pas lagi diboncengin naik sepeda kepleset ke ban pas ada polisi tidur, dan sodara gw ga berhenti.
#jamansd rambut klimis, poni dua helai, ponytail.
#jamansd keranjingan boyband sama teen pop singers.
#jamansd paling suka pelajaran spelling and art.
#jamansd kamar penuh poster usher, nelly, lil bow wow haha.
#jamansd was one of the hardest goodbyes in my life.
#jamansd adaptasi jadi anak baru lagi.
#jamansd cengok ga ngerti bahasa 'gaul' haha
#jamansd untung dapet temen yg sama superbaiknya di sd sebelumnya.
and the list will never end...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Twitter effect (TK)
So last night, twitter was filled with flashback hashtags about #jamantk #jamansd #jamansmp anda #jamansma which totally made the timeline full with hillarious flashback moments.
Iseng-iseng ternyata banyak juga hal-hal random yang muncul di otak gw.
(Jaman TK)
#jamantk tiap hari gw dianterin sekolah dipiggy-back bokap di pundaknya.
#jamantk nyokap gw hamil ade gw
#jamantk pipis celana di dalem kelas, embarrasing!
#jamantk main sleeping lions, ketiduran beneran eh ditinggal sekelas ke perpus, bangun-bangun cengok.
#jamantk suka main kejar-kejaran sama anak cowo.
#jamantk tiap hari mau sekolah, rambut didekor dulu sama nyokap.
#jamantk beli es balok panjang 1, potong bagi 2, sebelahnya dibagi ke temen.
#jamantk ulangtahun dirayain di kelas.
#jamantk nangis karena dijemput paling terakhir
#jamantk suka nangkep kupu-kupu di rumah tetangga.
#jamantk pelajaran favorit, mewarnai sama story-telling.
#jamantk punya barbie setumpuk, plus rumah-rumahannya, mobilnya sama si ken juga.
#jamantk pernah nangis jerit-jerit kaya orang kesetanan gara-gara minta beli mcd jam 3 pagi.
#jamantk guru gw jutek.
#jamantk free icecreams every saturday!
#jamantk bekal selalu bread and nutella plus poptops.
and so much more memories hahaha :D
Iseng-iseng ternyata banyak juga hal-hal random yang muncul di otak gw.
(Jaman TK)
#jamantk tiap hari gw dianterin sekolah dipiggy-back bokap di pundaknya.
#jamantk nyokap gw hamil ade gw
#jamantk pipis celana di dalem kelas, embarrasing!
#jamantk main sleeping lions, ketiduran beneran eh ditinggal sekelas ke perpus, bangun-bangun cengok.
#jamantk suka main kejar-kejaran sama anak cowo.
#jamantk tiap hari mau sekolah, rambut didekor dulu sama nyokap.
#jamantk beli es balok panjang 1, potong bagi 2, sebelahnya dibagi ke temen.
#jamantk ulangtahun dirayain di kelas.
#jamantk nangis karena dijemput paling terakhir
#jamantk suka nangkep kupu-kupu di rumah tetangga.
#jamantk pelajaran favorit, mewarnai sama story-telling.
#jamantk punya barbie setumpuk, plus rumah-rumahannya, mobilnya sama si ken juga.
#jamantk pernah nangis jerit-jerit kaya orang kesetanan gara-gara minta beli mcd jam 3 pagi.
#jamantk guru gw jutek.
#jamantk free icecreams every saturday!
#jamantk bekal selalu bread and nutella plus poptops.
and so much more memories hahaha :D
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Eid Mubarak!
Selamat Idul Fitri to all us Moslems celebrating it. Eid mubarak! :D Hope everyone gained the essence of this holy month and may Allah always shower us all with blessings each and every day.
To everyone: Taqabalallah minha wa minkum. Minal aidin wal faidzin. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin karena gw pasti punya banyak salah. Semoga bisa ketemu Ramadhan tahun depan bersama keluarga, sanak saudara dan teman-teman sehat walafiat dan panjang umur. Amin!
To everyone: Taqabalallah minha wa minkum. Minal aidin wal faidzin. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin karena gw pasti punya banyak salah. Semoga bisa ketemu Ramadhan tahun depan bersama keluarga, sanak saudara dan teman-teman sehat walafiat dan panjang umur. Amin!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Intentionally said
Tomorrow's gonna be one of the weirdest and worst lebaran ever by far. Lost grandpa and grandma, closest uncle too, mum and dad not coming home for lebaran which is the worst part, and just the whole different scene. Don't know what I'm feeling right now :| But yes god I'm still blessed and grateful for what you've given me. Grateful that you've still given us, the whole family and I the chance to fulfill our one month duty and celebrate our victory still healthy and full on capable in doing so. Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. But behind the happiness, I can't express the total sadness in me and all I hope now is that we'll all have the chance to meet again the following year with the better lot :) Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Put a smile on your face
When you needed me and didn't yet want me, I was there. But now that you want me and need me. I guess we're better of this way. I took my time to think it out. We started off well and we'll end it the same way. I never wanna be a burden towards anybody's life, so please don't make me feel that way. Friends? Yep, till the end! Just hope things will stay the same xox
Monday, August 23, 2010
At last!
Wow, passed July, and now reaching the end of August. No blogposts, huh? Gee, I have been dying to post but in a way, I just couldn't be bothered to write things down. These past absent days, weeks and month were spent with a journey to where my parents we're staying. Man it felt REAL good to see them after soooo long ♥
Well in short. Learnt new things, met new people, discovered a whole new world, fell from a motorbike, new dorm, new friends, new experience, brand new semester, fell in love (I guess so) ehm and yes, Ramadhan for sure :)
So, I guess I'll start blogging again :D Finally, back to writing!
Well in short. Learnt new things, met new people, discovered a whole new world, fell from a motorbike, new dorm, new friends, new experience, brand new semester, fell in love (I guess so) ehm and yes, Ramadhan for sure :)
So, I guess I'll start blogging again :D Finally, back to writing!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dear Mama,

On your 42nd birthday, my prayers and best wishes continue for you and they'll never stop. As you reach a different age each year, my love will never change for my beautiful mama. Semoga mama selalu dilindungi Allah SWT wherever, whenever at all times. Semoga mama selalu diberi kesehatan dan umur panjang so you can see your son and daughter grow up to be the best. Semoga Allah SWT melapangkan rezeki mama, melapangkan hati dan fikiran mama. Diberi keselamatan dunia akhirat dan bisa menjadi mama yang diteladani anak-anaknya dan orang lain. Semoga Allah SWT membalas semua amal ibadah mama dan mengampuni semua dosa mama. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
You have been there since the first light that caught my eye. Raised me till this day with your love, which I am blessed for each and every single day. There's no way I can repay all the love you've given to me till today. You mean the world to me and your the reason why I'm here. Whatever numbers describe you, it will never matter because I love you Mama! Happy birthday <3
With love xoxo
I was going to, but theeeeen..
I was going to change my blog header with this:

But my blog turned out really awkward so i decided to leave it this way until i'm bothered and able to fix the layout.I made it myself except for the main background which was from shabby.
Someone help me pimp by blog, i'm bored with the whole blackscreen.

But my blog turned out really awkward so i decided to leave it this way until i'm bothered and able to fix the layout.I made it myself except for the main background which was from shabby.
Someone help me pimp by blog, i'm bored with the whole blackscreen.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
No offense, but
I'm getting fed up with everything here. Well uhm probably, ALMOST everything. The place, the people, the situation and condition, the environment and even the government which I don't quite have anything to do with really. I wanna be somewhere else. A better place, a clearer atmosphere. I'm not implying that I hate my country or anything - I love it actually, having all my friends and family here and there. It's just that this place is just not the place I imagined it to be. I want a better life than this one I have now although I'm grateful that I actually have one. I want things how they used to be back then. Ok I admit, I miss Australia. Who doesn't if you were in my shoes. The place, the people, the friends, the family, the atmosphere, the whole life there. Absolutely different compared to things here which are all messed up and unsolved. I don't blame anyone and no fingers pointed to what's causing me to feel this way. Some understand and a lot might not. I wanna be somewhere other than here and turn things the other way around. God, if only you'd let me. I'm so fed up.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tentang Papa
Papa. That's what I call the one and only most valuable man that has been in my life since day one.
Physically, Papa berkumis tebal, berotot gahar dan berbetis besar hahaha. Rambutnya dari dulu segitu-gitu aja. Good sense of clothing, prefers shirts and jeans and no serious suits or tuxedos. He's an average height of a man with a surprisingly proportional weight with muscles and abs. Papa nggak pernah bisa gendut dan separah-parahnya gendut, itupun melebar ke samping hanya seinchi dua inchi - hmm ngiri. He loves to excercise and weightlift a couple of kilos everyday. Katanya kalo lagi sakit, alesannya uda lama nggak jogging dan obatnya olahraga. He loves all kinds of sports especially football dan biasanya kalau ada pertandingan seru kayak euro, liga champion, world cup dll, kita selalu nonton bareng sambil ngemil dan ngopi (hiks, kangen)
Papa berwawasan sangaaaat luas, terutama bidang olahraga, sosial, musik dan politik, therefore he's one of the best sources of information that I know of. Papa pinter bergaul sama orang from upper-class, middle-class and lower-class society. Papa suka cerita tentang hal apapun mulai dari detail terkecil sampai yang bisa dibilang nggak penting. Dan kalo lagi jalan-jalan kemanapun, he can be the best guide you'll ever have because he explains everything on the way percisely like a tour guide. Papa adalah orang yang nggak pernah marah, mukul, nyubit, nampar ataupun main fisik atau apapunlah namanya. He also has many special abilites like whistling with his tongue, football juggling and heaps more. He can sing, play the guitar, flute, keyboard and harmonica.
Waktu kecil, setiap hari Papa selalu nganter dan ngegendong gw di punggungnya ke sekolah sampe gw uda cukup tua untuk sadar kalo gw uda nggak pantes lagi digendong. He has always been there for me at all times.
Papa is the most hardworking man with the biggest hardworking spirit. Dari dulu kerja full-time jobs dan double shifts buat menuhin kebutuhan keluarga, and he always buys whatever his children need, want and ask for. Walaupun kerja full-time, he always has spare time for the family and on the weekends we go out to eat or spend quality time with each other. Dia orang yang sangat royal ke siapapun terutama keluarga.
Papa bisa dibilang orang yang nggak sabaran, tapi untuk masalah keluarga, he's number one. Papa orang yang saking banyaknya pengalamannya, harus sambung cerita tiap lagi cerita ke gw dan Tio. Dia orang paling mandiri yang gw kenal. Pantang menyerah, pekerja keras, tangguh dan penyayang. When he has money, he can spoil us like crazy. But when it's the other way around, he'll do his best to occupy our wants and needs in any way he can.
Biarpun papa jarang bilang sayang, I love you atau kata-kata romantis semacamnya ke Mama, Tio ataupun gw, he has his own ways of telling and showing us and we know how big his love is for us and yes we love him from the deepest part of our hearts. Papa selalu ketawa tiap Mama ngelawak and I know how much Papa loves Mama eventhough he rarely expresses it by words. They complete one another and I guess they're mean to be with each other - I hope that one day, I meet a man similar to my dad and have a son just like him. He deeply loves his family, mum, dad, brothers, sisters and friends eventhough he just doesn't express it.
There's just not enough words to describe how much I love my dad and there's nothing big enough to show the world how blessed and grateful I am to have him in my life.

Whenever I think about everything he's done for the family, how he's sacrificed, how he works so hard for us, you know, I start to cry. Gw sedih banget karena gw tau, gw ga bakal bisa ngasih apa yang bokap gw uda kasih ke gw selama ini. Gw juga sadar bokap gw semakin tua. He's soon-to-be 49 and you know that they're getting older and you start to fear all those unwanted feelings. Air mata selalu netes tiap gw keinget hal ini. Gw belum bisa ngasih apapun buat nyenengin dia. Mengingat sekarang bokap gw juga jauh di Sumatera dan ketemu dia paling pas liburan makes it even more intense. It all frightens me to know that one day he won't be here anymore, and I haven't a single thing to make him proud.
Papa, walaupun secara langsung nggak bisa bilang tapi Papa harus tau kalo Tika sayang banget sama Papa. Tika selalu inget kata-kata dan nasehat Papa, yg bikin ketawa, kesel dan juga nangis. Thank you will never be enough for me to say to you, for all the things you've done for me and what I do will never be enough to repay your love in any way. Tika minta maaf kalo Tika pernah bikin Papa sedih, marah atau kecewa. You are the best dad any child could ever have and I'm lucky that I have you. You're a role model I look up to. You're my hero. You're my dad. Tika selalu berdo'a buat Papa sama Mama and I'll never stop my prayers for you. Semoga selalu dilindungi Allah SWT dimanapun dan dalam kondisi apapun. I love you no matter what and I'll do my best to make you happy, Pa. Happy Fathers Day.
(This blog will just never be enough to describe...)
Physically, Papa berkumis tebal, berotot gahar dan berbetis besar hahaha. Rambutnya dari dulu segitu-gitu aja. Good sense of clothing, prefers shirts and jeans and no serious suits or tuxedos. He's an average height of a man with a surprisingly proportional weight with muscles and abs. Papa nggak pernah bisa gendut dan separah-parahnya gendut, itupun melebar ke samping hanya seinchi dua inchi - hmm ngiri. He loves to excercise and weightlift a couple of kilos everyday. Katanya kalo lagi sakit, alesannya uda lama nggak jogging dan obatnya olahraga. He loves all kinds of sports especially football dan biasanya kalau ada pertandingan seru kayak euro, liga champion, world cup dll, kita selalu nonton bareng sambil ngemil dan ngopi (hiks, kangen)
Papa berwawasan sangaaaat luas, terutama bidang olahraga, sosial, musik dan politik, therefore he's one of the best sources of information that I know of. Papa pinter bergaul sama orang from upper-class, middle-class and lower-class society. Papa suka cerita tentang hal apapun mulai dari detail terkecil sampai yang bisa dibilang nggak penting. Dan kalo lagi jalan-jalan kemanapun, he can be the best guide you'll ever have because he explains everything on the way percisely like a tour guide. Papa adalah orang yang nggak pernah marah, mukul, nyubit, nampar ataupun main fisik atau apapunlah namanya. He also has many special abilites like whistling with his tongue, football juggling and heaps more. He can sing, play the guitar, flute, keyboard and harmonica.
Waktu kecil, setiap hari Papa selalu nganter dan ngegendong gw di punggungnya ke sekolah sampe gw uda cukup tua untuk sadar kalo gw uda nggak pantes lagi digendong. He has always been there for me at all times.
Papa is the most hardworking man with the biggest hardworking spirit. Dari dulu kerja full-time jobs dan double shifts buat menuhin kebutuhan keluarga, and he always buys whatever his children need, want and ask for. Walaupun kerja full-time, he always has spare time for the family and on the weekends we go out to eat or spend quality time with each other. Dia orang yang sangat royal ke siapapun terutama keluarga.
Papa bisa dibilang orang yang nggak sabaran, tapi untuk masalah keluarga, he's number one. Papa orang yang saking banyaknya pengalamannya, harus sambung cerita tiap lagi cerita ke gw dan Tio. Dia orang paling mandiri yang gw kenal. Pantang menyerah, pekerja keras, tangguh dan penyayang. When he has money, he can spoil us like crazy. But when it's the other way around, he'll do his best to occupy our wants and needs in any way he can.
Biarpun papa jarang bilang sayang, I love you atau kata-kata romantis semacamnya ke Mama, Tio ataupun gw, he has his own ways of telling and showing us and we know how big his love is for us and yes we love him from the deepest part of our hearts. Papa selalu ketawa tiap Mama ngelawak and I know how much Papa loves Mama eventhough he rarely expresses it by words. They complete one another and I guess they're mean to be with each other - I hope that one day, I meet a man similar to my dad and have a son just like him. He deeply loves his family, mum, dad, brothers, sisters and friends eventhough he just doesn't express it.
There's just not enough words to describe how much I love my dad and there's nothing big enough to show the world how blessed and grateful I am to have him in my life.

Whenever I think about everything he's done for the family, how he's sacrificed, how he works so hard for us, you know, I start to cry. Gw sedih banget karena gw tau, gw ga bakal bisa ngasih apa yang bokap gw uda kasih ke gw selama ini. Gw juga sadar bokap gw semakin tua. He's soon-to-be 49 and you know that they're getting older and you start to fear all those unwanted feelings. Air mata selalu netes tiap gw keinget hal ini. Gw belum bisa ngasih apapun buat nyenengin dia. Mengingat sekarang bokap gw juga jauh di Sumatera dan ketemu dia paling pas liburan makes it even more intense. It all frightens me to know that one day he won't be here anymore, and I haven't a single thing to make him proud.
Papa, walaupun secara langsung nggak bisa bilang tapi Papa harus tau kalo Tika sayang banget sama Papa. Tika selalu inget kata-kata dan nasehat Papa, yg bikin ketawa, kesel dan juga nangis. Thank you will never be enough for me to say to you, for all the things you've done for me and what I do will never be enough to repay your love in any way. Tika minta maaf kalo Tika pernah bikin Papa sedih, marah atau kecewa. You are the best dad any child could ever have and I'm lucky that I have you. You're a role model I look up to. You're my hero. You're my dad. Tika selalu berdo'a buat Papa sama Mama and I'll never stop my prayers for you. Semoga selalu dilindungi Allah SWT dimanapun dan dalam kondisi apapun. I love you no matter what and I'll do my best to make you happy, Pa. Happy Fathers Day.
(This blog will just never be enough to describe...)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Bandung blast with the best
It had been an awsome past few days. Rayi and Irin came over to Jatinangor. I was extremely happy to see them cos it'd been ages since the last time I met them and actually got to hang out with them, catch up on everything - life, love, uni, gossip and etc. I was hoping that the others could've came but they still had uni in Jakarta and Jogja.
To round it all up, we chilled and had flashback moments at then continued the fun with Sex and The City 2. We got Dwi into watching it because at first he insisted haha. On the way I stopped and stared in front of the Adidas store and went crazy over the F.50 football shoes, cool ass! After the movies, we went to eat at this bakso malang place which was really good. Stayed the night at Dwi's place and really appreciated his and his family's hospitality. Thanks :D Next day caught up with Kujoy and Farley and chilled again at De'risols and later on headed off to see Capoeira practice at ITB and at the same time met up with Kak Intan and Kak Ulan. Had some photos taken by Kak Ulan with her great shots which were hillarious. Had dinner at Dapur Eyang and couldn't stop laughing about lots of silly things. We ended the night strolling around Ciwalk to see some goodies. We then parted and said our see ya laters to Dwi, Kujoy and Farley who stayed in Bandung then headed back with Rayi and Irin to Jatinangor. Can't wait for the upcoming holidays and have a get together again but also with the others :)
Now I've got my final exams starting today till next week. I've had lots of fun this past week and now it's time for serious business, i.e studying hahaha. Hope things go well and the results turn out far from my prediction :D
Bismillahirohmanirohim !
To round it all up, we chilled and had flashback moments at then continued the fun with Sex and The City 2. We got Dwi into watching it because at first he insisted haha. On the way I stopped and stared in front of the Adidas store and went crazy over the F.50 football shoes, cool ass! After the movies, we went to eat at this bakso malang place which was really good. Stayed the night at Dwi's place and really appreciated his and his family's hospitality. Thanks :D Next day caught up with Kujoy and Farley and chilled again at De'risols and later on headed off to see Capoeira practice at ITB and at the same time met up with Kak Intan and Kak Ulan. Had some photos taken by Kak Ulan with her great shots which were hillarious. Had dinner at Dapur Eyang and couldn't stop laughing about lots of silly things. We ended the night strolling around Ciwalk to see some goodies. We then parted and said our see ya laters to Dwi, Kujoy and Farley who stayed in Bandung then headed back with Rayi and Irin to Jatinangor. Can't wait for the upcoming holidays and have a get together again but also with the others :)
Now I've got my final exams starting today till next week. I've had lots of fun this past week and now it's time for serious business, i.e studying hahaha. Hope things go well and the results turn out far from my prediction :D
Bismillahirohmanirohim !
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Shawty's like a melody in my head
So I was wasting my time youtube-ing today and went random searching. Somehow it led me back to Legaci (it always does) hahaha. They had new videos up and I just couldn't get my ears off this cover remake. I love all their videos but this one was just awsome :) ----> CHECK IT OUT HERE
Friday, May 28, 2010
It was only a dream
Last night I had the most wonderful dream. He was there. He who I haven't seen or talked to in ages. He who used to fill up my days and make it all better. He who used to listen and share things with me and vice versa. It all felt so real with his presence talking, chilling and spending quality time with my friends and I. Can't even remember the last time I even mentioned him and last night he came out of nowhere. But as for all good dreams, I wish it was true but no. It was all just a dream, too good to be true. Thanks for coming by and yeah I miss you too :)
Ear-budding for a better life
Wherever you go, whatever you do (sounds like a song haha) there'll always be people talking about you, oh and yeah especially behind your back. Either positive or negative, we tend to take them seriously. Well it doesn't become such a big fuss when good things about you are being talked about, some happen to actually enjoy it that they want it to continue and have the news spread worldwide haha. But what about those negative news, rumours and opinions that come and go by the name of you. There's always the lovers and yes, haters. So what do you do?
See, I was one of those who always listened to what others had to say but was unable to disagree freely about their opinions, taking too much concern on what people had in mind of myself and also other people. Believing what was being said behind backs and making myself fuss with the news. I always felt I had to do this and that when someone made a statement, believing that it was the uber right thing. I would also think a thousand times before doing something cos I was afraid what other people would think. I didn't have the ability to stand up for myself making me such an unconsistant person cos I had to depend myself on what other people had in mind. Well well well, that was the past. I feel way better being able to do what I feel like doing now without having to worry about what other've gotta say. People have their opinions and so do I. People can say this or that and I won't mind. I guess people should really start living life without the burden of other people's point of view about. Be grateful if it is positive, but relax when negative news gets in your way. Make it some source of encouragement, faith and spirit thats gonna turn you into a much better individual with a great personality and wonderful acheivements. Despite all that, take critics and negative statements as a mirror or critic box in our everyday actions, but when you know whats right and wrong, believe in yourself. Forget what people have to say about you. When you know your doing the right things on the right track, keep your head up and you know you can do it. And add a smile to it :)
See, I was one of those who always listened to what others had to say but was unable to disagree freely about their opinions, taking too much concern on what people had in mind of myself and also other people. Believing what was being said behind backs and making myself fuss with the news. I always felt I had to do this and that when someone made a statement, believing that it was the uber right thing. I would also think a thousand times before doing something cos I was afraid what other people would think. I didn't have the ability to stand up for myself making me such an unconsistant person cos I had to depend myself on what other people had in mind. Well well well, that was the past. I feel way better being able to do what I feel like doing now without having to worry about what other've gotta say. People have their opinions and so do I. People can say this or that and I won't mind. I guess people should really start living life without the burden of other people's point of view about. Be grateful if it is positive, but relax when negative news gets in your way. Make it some source of encouragement, faith and spirit thats gonna turn you into a much better individual with a great personality and wonderful acheivements. Despite all that, take critics and negative statements as a mirror or critic box in our everyday actions, but when you know whats right and wrong, believe in yourself. Forget what people have to say about you. When you know your doing the right things on the right track, keep your head up and you know you can do it. And add a smile to it :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thanks to you
I just feel like an idiot smiling to myself like this right now. Thank you, you made my day after all the mixed up feelings and emotions, the sighs and the frowns. You turned them all upside down :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Until today
I never knew about all this. And now here I am with my regrets. All I can do is let my tears drop as each one expresses the apology, the sadness, the fear. I should've understood the whole situation but no I didn't at all. I enjoyed my days thinking things were going just fine when they were actually the other way around. I've never come to realize it would all turn out this way. Just all out of the script. I can't even imagine the things swirling in my head even happening. I don't want it to appear in my mind. I hate myself for all this and I would've done better if only I had known.
Now I can't help but let the salty water flow with regret. I wish things would come back to normal. The plead, coming from the deepest part of the heart cos I can't take it anymore eventhough I try. God please, you know exactly what I mean eventhough these useless words aren't making any sense.
Now I can't help but let the salty water flow with regret. I wish things would come back to normal. The plead, coming from the deepest part of the heart cos I can't take it anymore eventhough I try. God please, you know exactly what I mean eventhough these useless words aren't making any sense.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I smile, it fades
What I read. What I hear. All nothing but a bunch of words filled with high hopes. I smile. But then it slightly fades away. I forget all about it, but then I hear them again. It repeats just the same way. The words of careness, jokes and laughter come by. And again, I smile. But slowly it fades away. My head says stop, my heart says different. It's confusing. Can't quite figure it out and I don't want vague answers. Please don't make me feel this way. I want to smile without it fading away.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A day I'd never forget
What if that one thing never happened? Will it all still be like this? Sometimes I wonder but can't understand. Yet I try my best to cope with it eventhough thousands of questions still run through my mind. I don't blame anyone nor anything. I just want to know what it would've been like. If only the clock could stop and whizz back to that one day and turn it all around maybe things won't be like this. Yeah, I wish. It all seems unfair but then what? Nothing I can do about it. Reminiscing and sitting down thinking about it is a waste of time and I've gotta realize and wake up from this stupid mind. Stupid thoughts. Stupid hopes. It's pathetic cos I know it's not getting me anywhere but I guess everyone would feel the same. As for the ones I know, yeah they do. I just wonder. It's like this huge question mark on my forehead in need for an answer. But still, nope, unanswered and never will be answered. Until when, I don't know? But for as long as I know, it'll still remain that one thing I can't get myself over. That's what you call life.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Valuable lesson learnt
Just wanna share a bit of my experience about an event I participated in last week. It's called Piala Rektor, a football championship held annualy against all the faculties and is one of the most prestigious events held for the students and teachers of Unpad.
This event taught me many things and valuable lessons. Why? The proccess of it all. One week before the event there was a team selection and we had to pass that in order to make it into the team for the competition. Ten of us girls passed - Nana, Tete, Dara, Seddy, Titis, Shinta, Lia, Yuu, Ibon and I. Everyday we practiced after uni until night for about only a week. We gained new skills, tactics and positions. Yet most important, we gained new friendship :) We also had a great manager, Kak Novi. Great coaches, Kakvin, Kaknina and Kakcut plus spiritual advisor, Bang Helmy. You can say a week was short but wow, it was tiring. In short, we competed, did our best and made it to the finals but lost against Fisip, while the boy's team got third place.
What I learnt from this event is that:
- YES, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Without practicing you won't know how far your abilities are or how left behind you are at something. Practicing is the key to capability and progress. Eventhough we only had one week of practice, but it was all worth it and we now know the benefits of it all. Practicing should be applied in everyday life for studies and etc. You'll see the difference.
- TRUSTING OTHERS. In football trust is a big thing. Trusting your team-mate is one of the main keys to a solid team. Same as in life, you need to trust other people if you want to be trusted as well. Believe in other people and know that they won't dissapoint you and vice versa. As for friendship and relationship, learn how to trust each other, therefore it becomes the thing that keeps the bond together.
- TEAMWORK. It needs two to tango and eleven to play football. In this case on this field it needed five. The whole competition was about teamwork, how we cooperated with one another. Teamwork was the whole point in the game. Eventhough you were good individually, but without your team-mate, you became nothing. Thats what it is like in life. You might be individually successful, smart, beautiful or whatever, but if you can't cooperate well with other people then there's just no point.
- IT'S NOT ABOUT WINNING AND LOSING. IT'S ABOUT THE PROCCESS OF IT ALL. Dang, this really got me! At first, in our heads were about winning, first place, trophy, pride and etc. But at the end, personally I realized it was all about the proccess of it all. The days we spent practicing, the bond we created, the friendship, the amazing teamwork, the extra hardwork, the time spent, just everything. It was all priceless. Okay, it was dissapointing not winning the first place. But look on the brightside, Second place, a trophy, cash and of course the best team ever ! We did our best and we're proud of it. Loved the competition, loved the matches, loved the team! Also thumbs up for the crew who did a great job on this event!
--> Proud to be a part of the Faculty of Letter's Girl's football team :) GO FIGHT WIN SASTRAAAA !
This event taught me many things and valuable lessons. Why? The proccess of it all. One week before the event there was a team selection and we had to pass that in order to make it into the team for the competition. Ten of us girls passed - Nana, Tete, Dara, Seddy, Titis, Shinta, Lia, Yuu, Ibon and I. Everyday we practiced after uni until night for about only a week. We gained new skills, tactics and positions. Yet most important, we gained new friendship :) We also had a great manager, Kak Novi. Great coaches, Kakvin, Kaknina and Kakcut plus spiritual advisor, Bang Helmy. You can say a week was short but wow, it was tiring. In short, we competed, did our best and made it to the finals but lost against Fisip, while the boy's team got third place.
What I learnt from this event is that:
- YES, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Without practicing you won't know how far your abilities are or how left behind you are at something. Practicing is the key to capability and progress. Eventhough we only had one week of practice, but it was all worth it and we now know the benefits of it all. Practicing should be applied in everyday life for studies and etc. You'll see the difference.
- TRUSTING OTHERS. In football trust is a big thing. Trusting your team-mate is one of the main keys to a solid team. Same as in life, you need to trust other people if you want to be trusted as well. Believe in other people and know that they won't dissapoint you and vice versa. As for friendship and relationship, learn how to trust each other, therefore it becomes the thing that keeps the bond together.
- TEAMWORK. It needs two to tango and eleven to play football. In this case on this field it needed five. The whole competition was about teamwork, how we cooperated with one another. Teamwork was the whole point in the game. Eventhough you were good individually, but without your team-mate, you became nothing. Thats what it is like in life. You might be individually successful, smart, beautiful or whatever, but if you can't cooperate well with other people then there's just no point.
- IT'S NOT ABOUT WINNING AND LOSING. IT'S ABOUT THE PROCCESS OF IT ALL. Dang, this really got me! At first, in our heads were about winning, first place, trophy, pride and etc. But at the end, personally I realized it was all about the proccess of it all. The days we spent practicing, the bond we created, the friendship, the amazing teamwork, the extra hardwork, the time spent, just everything. It was all priceless. Okay, it was dissapointing not winning the first place. But look on the brightside, Second place, a trophy, cash and of course the best team ever ! We did our best and we're proud of it. Loved the competition, loved the matches, loved the team! Also thumbs up for the crew who did a great job on this event!
--> Proud to be a part of the Faculty of Letter's Girl's football team :) GO FIGHT WIN SASTRAAAA !
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Time for a better change
I've been loving my presence in my dorm these couple of days. It's been really relaxing. Catching up with good amount of sleep, God and everything. Have also been eating a lot and I mean A LOT ! I had like five meals in one day and continued snacking the rest of the night. Oh and I've been bodyscrubbing hahaha my legs are still black and white and my hands are worse -__- but I hope they get back to normal soon. It was also fun having a DVD rally watching Melrose Place, Bedtime Stories, English Teacher and heaps more. Oh and the radio today was full of awsome updated songs :) so I didn't need my playlist to accompany me today (Y)
Ah and I'm happy that lately I've been reading the Al-Qur'an a lot and praying on time. No means to show off or anything but I realized that I've been lacking on this and yeah I'm trying my best to change. These past months I've been skipping my prayers and I've hardly even touched the Al-Qur'an, but starting from now on I want to and have to change everything. I got a wake-up call from my aunty when I was back in Jakarta and it made me realize how important all these things are. It really got me and I thank her actually for the consulting session we had :) Just wanna say that it's important to stick with your prayers, better if on time haha. Read the Al-Quran whenever you have the chance especially when you've got a lot of things stuck in your mind, it will really help. Trust me :) At least you know you've always got a place to run to anytime. And.. well maybe this is the only thing I can do for my parents cos they're miles away. Always hope they're ok and I can't wait to see them later on the holidays !
Alhamdulillah, I've been grateful for everything that has happened until now :)
Ah and I'm happy that lately I've been reading the Al-Qur'an a lot and praying on time. No means to show off or anything but I realized that I've been lacking on this and yeah I'm trying my best to change. These past months I've been skipping my prayers and I've hardly even touched the Al-Qur'an, but starting from now on I want to and have to change everything. I got a wake-up call from my aunty when I was back in Jakarta and it made me realize how important all these things are. It really got me and I thank her actually for the consulting session we had :) Just wanna say that it's important to stick with your prayers, better if on time haha. Read the Al-Quran whenever you have the chance especially when you've got a lot of things stuck in your mind, it will really help. Trust me :) At least you know you've always got a place to run to anytime. And.. well maybe this is the only thing I can do for my parents cos they're miles away. Always hope they're ok and I can't wait to see them later on the holidays !
Alhamdulillah, I've been grateful for everything that has happened until now :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Round it all up and there you go
Soooo, I haven't been posting since all the busy stuff that had been going on these few weeks. Porsas was TOTALLY AWSOME ! The whole crew were the best and the competitions went well despite the really bad weather. It was a wonderful two weeks spending everyday at the basketball court and football field eventhough Jatinangor was at its boiling point which caused a lot of us getting sunburnt and black haha but I loved the whole event until the last moment :)
The English Department ruled the event with results as the winner of three categories and the other was won by the Jermans. Aaaand yaaay, our team won the girl's football ! It felt so good winning after all the hard work and practice. It was one of the best feelings ever :) We got a trophy, certificate and cash which we spent by having dinner with the whole team, coaches and manager.
And after Porsas there was UTS -___- The midterm exams which I was so not looking forward to. One word = PFFFT! (if that is a word haha) Man they were all so effing hard and stressin and I dunno how my GPA is gonna turn out this term *worried* I hope I can catch up and do better cos I feel like this term I havn't been concentrating on my studies too well due to other things going on in my head.
I've had so many thoughts wizzing around and they just seem to be getting more complex and I really don't wanna make a big fuss about it so yeah I'll be keeping this one to myself for a while. Hope I'm able to find the solutions sometime later.
Oh and woooweeee I'm finally back in Jakarta after more than a month having myself rot in Jatinangor hahaha. I miss my lil brother and my first impression seeing Tio was like "WHAT THE HEEECK TIO YOU'RE TALLER THAN ME NOW !" And a minute later "WHAT THEEEE, YOU'RE WHITER THAN MEEEE. SHEEEEET !" hahaha and after that I kept standing in front of the mirror with him comparing each other's height haha #sillymoment. Plus he's growing an afro too hehe coool. As for the other little ones, they are like crazy over the 3D rubrics and they are freakin smart at them matching all the same colours while all I can do is mess it up. Talk about having brains :D It's just so good to feel this atmosphere eventhough my mum and dad aren't here with me. But that's why you call them your BELOVED FAMILY. Because they'll always be there for you whenever you need them and you'll know that they will always be there for you no matter what, whenever, wherever. I love you all to the fullest and (as usual, everyday) I fully miss you, mum & dad. We seriously do.
The English Department ruled the event with results as the winner of three categories and the other was won by the Jermans. Aaaand yaaay, our team won the girl's football ! It felt so good winning after all the hard work and practice. It was one of the best feelings ever :) We got a trophy, certificate and cash which we spent by having dinner with the whole team, coaches and manager.
And after Porsas there was UTS -___- The midterm exams which I was so not looking forward to. One word = PFFFT! (if that is a word haha) Man they were all so effing hard and stressin and I dunno how my GPA is gonna turn out this term *worried* I hope I can catch up and do better cos I feel like this term I havn't been concentrating on my studies too well due to other things going on in my head.
I've had so many thoughts wizzing around and they just seem to be getting more complex and I really don't wanna make a big fuss about it so yeah I'll be keeping this one to myself for a while. Hope I'm able to find the solutions sometime later.
Oh and woooweeee I'm finally back in Jakarta after more than a month having myself rot in Jatinangor hahaha. I miss my lil brother and my first impression seeing Tio was like "WHAT THE HEEECK TIO YOU'RE TALLER THAN ME NOW !" And a minute later "WHAT THEEEE, YOU'RE WHITER THAN MEEEE. SHEEEEET !" hahaha and after that I kept standing in front of the mirror with him comparing each other's height haha #sillymoment. Plus he's growing an afro too hehe coool. As for the other little ones, they are like crazy over the 3D rubrics and they are freakin smart at them matching all the same colours while all I can do is mess it up. Talk about having brains :D It's just so good to feel this atmosphere eventhough my mum and dad aren't here with me. But that's why you call them your BELOVED FAMILY. Because they'll always be there for you whenever you need them and you'll know that they will always be there for you no matter what, whenever, wherever. I love you all to the fullest and (as usual, everyday) I fully miss you, mum & dad. We seriously do.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Totally sunburnt, ouch !
Wow, it's been a busy week and I realize I haven't been blogging for a while. Well oh well, to be honest I need my old sleeping pattern back, seriously ! I've been lacking sleep and I am in my middle to worse physical condition right now. In addition to that, I am officially sunburnt and darker than ever - face, hands and legs cos I've been in contact with the sun this whole week and boy don't ask how hot it has been here ckck, crazy heat ! I am at the worst face, hair and skin point atm :( But whatever, no big deal.
Sooo, this week has been all about Porsas, the event we're having at our faculty. Things have been all good and step-by-step well arranged. Aaaaand hey hey the english department's football teams both won eventhough at the first match the girl's were even 0-0 but thankfully won at the next match 3-0. Yayayaaaay :)
Hemm, no mean to complain but it has been a tiring week and there's still another week to go but it's all been the best of fun! :) Porsas, football, basketball, uni, tasks and assignments all in one package. Hmm I guess I'm lovin it :)
Hope the last week of Porsas is gonna turn out well and be a great success. It's been totally awsome taking part as the logistic crew with all the ups and downs going on this week. And as for tomorrow, a new day, a new week.
Lateeeeersss :)
Sooo, this week has been all about Porsas, the event we're having at our faculty. Things have been all good and step-by-step well arranged. Aaaaand hey hey the english department's football teams both won eventhough at the first match the girl's were even 0-0 but thankfully won at the next match 3-0. Yayayaaaay :)
Hemm, no mean to complain but it has been a tiring week and there's still another week to go but it's all been the best of fun! :) Porsas, football, basketball, uni, tasks and assignments all in one package. Hmm I guess I'm lovin it :)
Hope the last week of Porsas is gonna turn out well and be a great success. It's been totally awsome taking part as the logistic crew with all the ups and downs going on this week. And as for tomorrow, a new day, a new week.
Lateeeeersss :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Don't even bother asking what's going on
I feel like getting out of this zone where things are dull and static. I'm sick and tired of all this shit going around. The wailing, the whimping. God! I want new things to be able to face in this stereo-typical scene. To be honest, I'm getting sick of these sights I see. I miss the old days where fun actually had a meaning. I don't want to rely myself on others which in reality I still do and I want to start saying no to things I neglect doing. Don't give a damn what people think cos they're not the ones walking in my shoes. I don't know the right word to describe myself atm and it's not making any sense. I need a break before I shatter and say that I'm rather not okay. Please, turn back time or make it tick faster. Cos maybe what I need is the old kind of laughter. Screw it !
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Weather complaints
The weather has been slack lately and it's been raining all the time. I don't know why but I just don't like rain. Not saying that I hate it but it's annoying and it makes everything seem so dull (My perspective). I wish it would just stop raining and let the sun shine its beautiful, warm rays of light. Ah, I miss the warmthness of it all.
Had a movie marathon these few nights. Watched Agent Cody Banks, Hangover, Cristina Vicky Barcelona, My Name is Khan and From Paris with Love.
My Name is Khan was a great movie! I rate it 10 out of 10 :) The story had good morals about diversity, religion, culture, sacrifice, love, hope and yeah a lot of life lessons.
From Paris with Love was awesome too! I didn't believe that John Travolta actually was able to look like that haha. His acting was mad ! It's a must watch movie :)
And and and, congratulations to Kharisma Tri Andini and partner *winkwink*. So happy for the both of you ! Oh so sweet hehehe. Awet-awet ya maaaaa :)
And as for me hehe, I've been taking myself back through memory lane and I to be honest, I miss it. Heaps!
Had a movie marathon these few nights. Watched Agent Cody Banks, Hangover, Cristina Vicky Barcelona, My Name is Khan and From Paris with Love.
My Name is Khan was a great movie! I rate it 10 out of 10 :) The story had good morals about diversity, religion, culture, sacrifice, love, hope and yeah a lot of life lessons.
From Paris with Love was awesome too! I didn't believe that John Travolta actually was able to look like that haha. His acting was mad ! It's a must watch movie :)
And and and, congratulations to Kharisma Tri Andini and partner *winkwink*. So happy for the both of you ! Oh so sweet hehehe. Awet-awet ya maaaaa :)
And as for me hehe, I've been taking myself back through memory lane and I to be honest, I miss it. Heaps!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I love you Mama
ENDEMIC - 4th March 2010
Soooo, ENDEMIC 2010 (English Department Family Communion)- which was held on the 4th of March, was a success despite the bad weather :) Alhamdulillah everything went well even though the rundown was all kinda outta schedule hehehe. First we had the arm wrestling competition which was held at Gorky Park. There were teachers and students who competed in this mini-competition and it was hilarious :D Then there was an auction held at the Blue Stage. The ones auctioned were Pak Ari, Ibu Ari, Pak Taufik, Pak Bima, Uus and this other guy who were all auctioned with quite a high bid hahaha. Then after maghrib there were band performances from Poop in The Backyard, Slylab, Goodbye Seventeen, Saturday Night Karaoke, The Cheese Kacang Buncis, Pancakaki and Vickyvette. They were all great performances especially Vickyvette. The drummer had amazing skills and the guitarist had these ad guitar effects and obviously he had great skills too. Oh and fyi the bassist had fine hair HAHA omigosh i envy that guy haha :D Overall the show was awesome! Didn't regret taking part in this event and being a part of the crew and having to skip classes to finish off everything from pamphlets to fixing the rundown, sleeping over at campus too. All fun ! :)

A big thanks to the whole crew who donated their ideas, time and energy for this event. Also a huge thanks to the teachers who really helped big time! Merci Beaucoup :) Love the English Department !
(Photos: Desi's)

A big thanks to the whole crew who donated their ideas, time and energy for this event. Also a huge thanks to the teachers who really helped big time! Merci Beaucoup :) Love the English Department !
(Photos: Desi's)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I want to..
I want to skip religion class tomorrow.
I want to forget that there's assignments due this week.
I want to sleep.
I want to make time tick slower.
I want to complain.
I want to stop this autism in me.
I want to let it all go
I want to get over this thing I can't -__-
00:30 #whatsonmymind
I want to forget that there's assignments due this week.
I want to sleep.
I want to make time tick slower.
I want to complain.
I want to stop this autism in me.
I want to let it all go
I want to get over this thing I can't -__-
00:30 #whatsonmymind
Friday, February 26, 2010
I am far from what you call consistent !
I'm back in Jakartaaaa! And boy it was a three hour hillarious, crazy, full-on laughing trip with Dhea, Hadi, Isnan, Uti and Aya on the bus. Took me the usual extra two hours from Lebak Bulus to Slipi cos of the traffic jams and closed roads due to Maulid Nabi. Calculate that and that was me, five hours sitting on the bus with a flat butt after that hahaha.
It's been about three weeks since the last time I was home and surprisingly my lil bro's height is now an inch away from me! He's been crazy over badminton and early morning excercise. Whereas for me - I would still be sleeping tight in bed, dreaming awaaay :D What I see in my bro is that he's such a consistent person unlike me. When he says no to something then he won't change his mind about it. Me? Don't even ask. My family and friends know how unconsistent I am and I'm really working on it. At least, I'm trying a bit to hahaha. And gosh he's so mature now in dealing with things hahaha. Great improvement ! :)
Hemmm.. got so many events coming up and I'm kinda messed up and confused with the things I've gotta sort out. Makrab is a week away and I havn't finished making the second brochure and getting the rundown ready. Then there's Porsas, two weeks away and we've gotta get the place fixed for the upcoming date and preparing all the logistic needs. Then football practice - which is is EVERYDAY 4-6 pm but intensive! And then English Days, where I havn't even started a thing. Gee so much things to get going with yet such little time. I just hope everythings gonna go right and successful. Amin ! :)
It's been about three weeks since the last time I was home and surprisingly my lil bro's height is now an inch away from me! He's been crazy over badminton and early morning excercise. Whereas for me - I would still be sleeping tight in bed, dreaming awaaay :D What I see in my bro is that he's such a consistent person unlike me. When he says no to something then he won't change his mind about it. Me? Don't even ask. My family and friends know how unconsistent I am and I'm really working on it. At least, I'm trying a bit to hahaha. And gosh he's so mature now in dealing with things hahaha. Great improvement ! :)
Hemmm.. got so many events coming up and I'm kinda messed up and confused with the things I've gotta sort out. Makrab is a week away and I havn't finished making the second brochure and getting the rundown ready. Then there's Porsas, two weeks away and we've gotta get the place fixed for the upcoming date and preparing all the logistic needs. Then football practice - which is is EVERYDAY 4-6 pm but intensive! And then English Days, where I havn't even started a thing. Gee so much things to get going with yet such little time. I just hope everythings gonna go right and successful. Amin ! :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Galau syndrome
My mind thinks this way, but in reality my heart thinks the other. So what am I supposed to do now? I want it to stop and let things go the way they should without having to worry about where I'll be ending up and how everythings gonna be. Possibilities and risks are all on the same line. I gotta switch things off, keep it dark, let no ears hear and no eyes see and no minds know. Eventhough stupidly I just did. I'm fully confused here tsk. What am I to do? The feelings won't go away, blablablabla and the story keeps going.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Alone thoughts
Everything has been so empty. The heart, the mind, the soul, the comfort, the love. Things havn't been quite the same. The pieces of the jigsaw are still missing. My heart asks why and I just can't answer. My mind starts complaining and they're clearly reasonable and I understand why. My soul needs that thing, which right now can't be found. My comfort asks for those special people to be by my side. The love simply needs all those said above, yet hard to fulfill because at the moment I guess they're all out of stock.
So where do I go, what am I supposed to do to fill this emptiness in me?
God, I hate being so melancholy !
So where do I go, what am I supposed to do to fill this emptiness in me?
God, I hate being so melancholy !
Friday, February 19, 2010
Family always comes first
Wow it's been a wonderful week with all the activities happening. Uni, football, sleepovers, danus, and yep heaps more. Uni classes have been fun cos i guess there hasn't been too much assignments yet. It's kinda boring though cos I'm free on Fridays whereas I was expecting a full week but it's ok. Oh and hahaha religion class was a lil different on Wednesday cos the girls had to wear jilbab eventhough some didn't. I felt very comfortable wearing it and it kinda made me wanna wear it permanently but i guess i still need time. Here's me and Risma hehehe and we both kinda like wearing it and have decided to keep wearing it every Wednesday :)

About football. Since PORSAS is getting closer, we've been practicing heaps. Tuesdays till Fridays and it's been great. Hope we get better in our skills and do well in the matches ahead :)And this week I've been living like a freeman hahahaha, danus with the buddies around Jatinangor and ending up eating somewhere very very late at night and sleeping over at whoevers place we end up sleeping at hahaha, but so much fun!
On the other hands I miss my family soooooo much that I really really wanna see them asap. My mum called a few days ago and she wanted me to send photos of my brother and I so I sent her a few pics. Gosh it's still gonna be a long time till I get to see them again. I also havn't seen my lil bro since the last time I went back from Jakarta which is about a month and he said that he's been competing in badminton matches. Good job kwetio ! :) I miss my lil brat tooooo ! Whenever I play football at campus I always remember my dad and lil bro and man I miss them even more.
lateeeeeersssss :)

About football. Since PORSAS is getting closer, we've been practicing heaps. Tuesdays till Fridays and it's been great. Hope we get better in our skills and do well in the matches ahead :)And this week I've been living like a freeman hahahaha, danus with the buddies around Jatinangor and ending up eating somewhere very very late at night and sleeping over at whoevers place we end up sleeping at hahaha, but so much fun!
On the other hands I miss my family soooooo much that I really really wanna see them asap. My mum called a few days ago and she wanted me to send photos of my brother and I so I sent her a few pics. Gosh it's still gonna be a long time till I get to see them again. I also havn't seen my lil bro since the last time I went back from Jakarta which is about a month and he said that he's been competing in badminton matches. Good job kwetio ! :) I miss my lil brat tooooo ! Whenever I play football at campus I always remember my dad and lil bro and man I miss them even more.
lateeeeeersssss :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy birthday to you !

Yesterday we made a little surprise party for Dhea after playing midnight basketball at Pedca. We got my room decorated with some baloons and crate paper. Headed off to my dorm at 12.30 after we finished playing and gave the surprise to her :) Hope she liked the surprise and best wishes for her on her 18th year!

And the next morning we successfully poured two bottles of egg+flour+cofee mixture on her and boy it was the stinkiest thing eveeeerrr! Hahahahaa :D
All the best Dhea !

Yesterday we made a little surprise party for Dhea after playing midnight basketball at Pedca. We got my room decorated with some baloons and crate paper. Headed off to my dorm at 12.30 after we finished playing and gave the surprise to her :) Hope she liked the surprise and best wishes for her on her 18th year!

And the next morning we successfully poured two bottles of egg+flour+cofee mixture on her and boy it was the stinkiest thing eveeeerrr! Hahahahaa :D
All the best Dhea !
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Keeping track
These few days have been quite filled up with educational business hahaha. Had my uni herregistration and I'm taking 24 credits this semester, hoping that I made the right choice by choosing creative writing as the extra.
78's Education Fair was held on Friday and it was awsome cos most of the 09 batch were there and at the same time promoting their universities. It was a great day catching up with everyone, taking photos and talking about all the old and new events. I didn't realize that I havn't met some of my friends since I left highschool which means like about six months, wew! It was a wonderful day, promoting unpad at my highschool and at the same time a mini-reunion :)
Oh and I'm wondering why Facebook is getting so lame? Maybe for me cos those gifts that people keep sending are kinda annoying and the random people from I-don't-know-where with no mutual friends are filling up my friend requests (I don't know how they even found me?) But I still waste my time on it hehehe. Pffft, social networks are somehow addictive. Wonder why?
78's Education Fair was held on Friday and it was awsome cos most of the 09 batch were there and at the same time promoting their universities. It was a great day catching up with everyone, taking photos and talking about all the old and new events. I didn't realize that I havn't met some of my friends since I left highschool which means like about six months, wew! It was a wonderful day, promoting unpad at my highschool and at the same time a mini-reunion :)
Oh and I'm wondering why Facebook is getting so lame? Maybe for me cos those gifts that people keep sending are kinda annoying and the random people from I-don't-know-where with no mutual friends are filling up my friend requests (I don't know how they even found me?) But I still waste my time on it hehehe. Pffft, social networks are somehow addictive. Wonder why?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Help me, I can't stop
These past days, I haven't stopped smiling to myself. Well I have my reasons but I can't believe it's got to this stage hahaha. We meet, and then as soon as I turn my back, I'm smiling to myself like crazy. My friends think I'm going crazy hahaha and they're keen to know why - or specificly who? I dunno why but I hate the fact that it won't stop and I just can't put on a straight face when it all happens at present. Gee, what's going on with meeee?
*And I'm smiling as I'm typing this :)
Lateeeeerss !
*And I'm smiling as I'm typing this :)
Lateeeeerss !
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Goodbye, International Relations!
It's midnight, and I still can't stop continuing my holiday habit - which is EATING. Yep at this time of night! I just finished munching away on a plate of rice with marinated chicken with soy sauce and peanuts - which my aunty deliciously made especially for me to take back to my pad hehehe belissimooo!
So here I am, back in Jatinangor currently listening to slowjams and acoustics, going through today's newspaper and freaking out every few seconds cos there's this cockroach running around and I'm totally scared of it! Oh someone save me from those hideous creatures with the ew antennas and nasty smell!
Gee, I really can't sleep but I think I should cos tomorrow's the start to the second term - well not actually starting formally just filling in a few things but whatever.
Second term already. Quick ain't it? As some people are preparing for SNMPTN and the other pass-to-get-to-uni tests, I guess I've made up my mind. I've made my final decision about some recent plans that have been bugging me. I am officially letting go International Relations - my dream major, and I'm gonna stick with the English Department for the next 3-4 years to come :) Eventhough there's still a great desire to get in the International Relations of UI but I think I've found my place here in The Faculty of Letters, Unpad :) As I've always believed that no matter where you go to accomplish your studies or whatever major you take, in the end it all depends on your own individual and how you deal with it. So I've opened my eyes, accepted the facts and I've gotta prepare my best to face what lies ahead. I love the faculty of letters despite the lack of facilities and treatment. But besides the blablabla's, everything else seems enjoying and I'm not going anywhere.
So it's so long international relations! Au revoir. Goodbye. Lateeeeers!
So here I am, back in Jatinangor currently listening to slowjams and acoustics, going through today's newspaper and freaking out every few seconds cos there's this cockroach running around and I'm totally scared of it! Oh someone save me from those hideous creatures with the ew antennas and nasty smell!
Gee, I really can't sleep but I think I should cos tomorrow's the start to the second term - well not actually starting formally just filling in a few things but whatever.
Second term already. Quick ain't it? As some people are preparing for SNMPTN and the other pass-to-get-to-uni tests, I guess I've made up my mind. I've made my final decision about some recent plans that have been bugging me. I am officially letting go International Relations - my dream major, and I'm gonna stick with the English Department for the next 3-4 years to come :) Eventhough there's still a great desire to get in the International Relations of UI but I think I've found my place here in The Faculty of Letters, Unpad :) As I've always believed that no matter where you go to accomplish your studies or whatever major you take, in the end it all depends on your own individual and how you deal with it. So I've opened my eyes, accepted the facts and I've gotta prepare my best to face what lies ahead. I love the faculty of letters despite the lack of facilities and treatment. But besides the blablabla's, everything else seems enjoying and I'm not going anywhere.
So it's so long international relations! Au revoir. Goodbye. Lateeeeers!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Funny fun at Do-Fun
Yesterday was absolutely FUN!
My friends and I went to Dufan to end our uni holidays. Me, Dhea, Risma, Adit and Yan met up at Lebak Bulus. We took the busway to Ancol and we all met up with the rest - Hadi, Sari, Aya and Asty who were already there.
Dufan wasn't as crowded as usual so we didn't have to wait in line that long :)
● Pontang-Panting
It's the one with the swings and during the whole ride Risma kept quiet and she was pale cos she was scared like crazy hahaha.
● Rajawali
Dhea was full-on screaming bujaaaaang and we couldn't stop laughing up there hahaha.
● Halilintar
We all forced Risma to get on this one cos she didn't want to hahaha and gratefully we succeeded to make her go on it :D Hadi and I took the front seats and wow! It was heaps better than the back seats!
● Kora-kora
The pirate ship which traumatized me long ago lol and omg I freaked out but it was cool. The guys sat on the back row and they were videoing the whole thing while us girls we're screaming our heads off.
● Kicir-kicir
Me, Hadi, Yan and Adit got on this ride and we all couldn't stop screaming and laughing at the same time cos we heard Adit swearing "panteeek" while tossing and turning hahaha and the rest had fun laughing at us and our expressions on it :D
● Tornado
After so many times visiting Dufan, for the first time I went on the tornado! At first there was me, Adit, Yan, Hadi and Asty that wanted to try it. But as we were gonna start the ride, Asty ran away lol cos she couldn't stand the height. Therefore it was just the four of us and it was awsome! And I still can't believe that I was brave enough to get on it hahaha. It was an adrenaline pumper for sure!
● Niagra Falls
This was our last ride cos it dufan was closing and obviously we all got wet :)
We ended our day there and headed home. Eventhough we didn't go on all the rides but it was a great day!
Aya, Sari, Asty and Hadi left and the rest decided to hit the beach but cos it was getting late, we decided to head home instead.

Thanks to Risma, Dhea, Aya, Asty, Sari, Adit, Hadi and Yan for a wonderful day! :)
Can't wait for the next trip!
And today I've been laying in bed with sore feet and arms due to standing and walking a whole day yesterday (especially on the bus) hahaha.
Lateeeeersss :D
My friends and I went to Dufan to end our uni holidays. Me, Dhea, Risma, Adit and Yan met up at Lebak Bulus. We took the busway to Ancol and we all met up with the rest - Hadi, Sari, Aya and Asty who were already there.
Dufan wasn't as crowded as usual so we didn't have to wait in line that long :)
● Pontang-Panting
It's the one with the swings and during the whole ride Risma kept quiet and she was pale cos she was scared like crazy hahaha.
● Rajawali
Dhea was full-on screaming bujaaaaang and we couldn't stop laughing up there hahaha.
● Halilintar
We all forced Risma to get on this one cos she didn't want to hahaha and gratefully we succeeded to make her go on it :D Hadi and I took the front seats and wow! It was heaps better than the back seats!
● Kora-kora
The pirate ship which traumatized me long ago lol and omg I freaked out but it was cool. The guys sat on the back row and they were videoing the whole thing while us girls we're screaming our heads off.
● Kicir-kicir
Me, Hadi, Yan and Adit got on this ride and we all couldn't stop screaming and laughing at the same time cos we heard Adit swearing "panteeek" while tossing and turning hahaha and the rest had fun laughing at us and our expressions on it :D
● Tornado
After so many times visiting Dufan, for the first time I went on the tornado! At first there was me, Adit, Yan, Hadi and Asty that wanted to try it. But as we were gonna start the ride, Asty ran away lol cos she couldn't stand the height. Therefore it was just the four of us and it was awsome! And I still can't believe that I was brave enough to get on it hahaha. It was an adrenaline pumper for sure!
● Niagra Falls
This was our last ride cos it dufan was closing and obviously we all got wet :)
We ended our day there and headed home. Eventhough we didn't go on all the rides but it was a great day!
Aya, Sari, Asty and Hadi left and the rest decided to hit the beach but cos it was getting late, we decided to head home instead.

Thanks to Risma, Dhea, Aya, Asty, Sari, Adit, Hadi and Yan for a wonderful day! :)
Can't wait for the next trip!
And today I've been laying in bed with sore feet and arms due to standing and walking a whole day yesterday (especially on the bus) hahaha.
Lateeeeersss :D
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The radio moments
Aunty's room, 10:28pm.
Two down, me to go.
#now playing on radio# Mary. J Blige - I am
● Listening to Trax FM and the chartlist, switching to MP3's when the songs get boring.
●Blogwalking looking for some funny stuff to laugh at and inspiring posts to make me think.
● Waiting for my dad to text/ call me back to ask for money to go to Dufan.
● Going through people's Facebook pages.
● Make myself something to eat for sahur.
● Continue Guitar Hero.
● Keep waiting for the reply.
● Get some good sleep.
And tomorrows another day! Pffft.
Two down, me to go.
#now playing on radio# Mary. J Blige - I am
● Listening to Trax FM and the chartlist, switching to MP3's when the songs get boring.
●Blogwalking looking for some funny stuff to laugh at and inspiring posts to make me think.
● Waiting for my dad to text/ call me back to ask for money to go to Dufan.
● Going through people's Facebook pages.
● Make myself something to eat for sahur.
● Continue Guitar Hero.
● Keep waiting for the reply.
● Get some good sleep.
And tomorrows another day! Pffft.
Strumming guitars
Last night, America's got talent was on Indosiar and I was happy about it cos I've been youtube-ing all of it this whole time and now it's on national television (eventhough it's late but better now than never).
There were great stuff on last night and lots of silly acts that made me crack up :D The Utah tap dancing sisters were cool and so were the triplets, Alizma (I think that was the groupname) which played the violins and made me laugh so bad cos they couldn't talk one at a time and were always finishing each other's sentences. I can't remember them all but there was Arcadian Broad the awsome dancer, the cute eight year old dancing partners, Thia Megian with the amazing vocals, the magician that did the Micheal Jackson leanover thing which was sick ass! There was also this sixty-two year old Carol something who danced like crazy and that was a kinda shocking performance hahaha. The last guy that got on stage with the guitar was one of the best. He had a beautiful voice and great guitar skills :) Oh man, guys with guitars! Charming! :D
Well my friends know how crazy I am about guys who can play guitars. I mean not just random strumming (everyone can do that) but them who can really play. Plucking the strings with tune, melody and feelings. There's this thing that makes guys look more I dunno - you can say charismatic and charming when they're playing the guitar. You know like John Mayer, Keith Urban and all those fascinating guitarists out there. But the minute they leave the guitar, to me it's all gone! Hahaha.
I know a lot of people who can play the guitar extremely well and I envy their skills cos I'm still an amateur and trying my best to get my notes right. I am so bad at it, gosh! I'm sorry Corday (my guitar) I haven't been playing you these days, Momma still loves you :)
Guitarists have their own cool impression and I can't get over those skilled ones :) I remember one of my primary subtstitute teachers, Mr. Archie and he always had his spanish guitar with him.
Whenever we had free time he'd always play it in class and you should know that he was freaking awsome whenever he played the flamenco! And fyi spanish guitars need skilled fingers and Mr. Archie had them alright! That was the first time I became interested in guitars. I got my first guitar in Junior High - A cheap beginners one and gee I'm so bad at it and I envy people who can play it well -__- I only know those basic chords and how to strum melodic tunes - thats about it. I do know that instruments are a media of expressing whats inside us and as for guitars and guitarists, they both have bond towards each other where we can express our emotions and feelings through what we play.
Buuuut, because I'm not too good at it, I prefer to listen to those who can play. Jussjeff is one of my favorites on youtube, you should check him out! :)
Salute to guitarists and those who can play! I just love guitars! <3
Lateeeeers :D
There were great stuff on last night and lots of silly acts that made me crack up :D The Utah tap dancing sisters were cool and so were the triplets, Alizma (I think that was the groupname) which played the violins and made me laugh so bad cos they couldn't talk one at a time and were always finishing each other's sentences. I can't remember them all but there was Arcadian Broad the awsome dancer, the cute eight year old dancing partners, Thia Megian with the amazing vocals, the magician that did the Micheal Jackson leanover thing which was sick ass! There was also this sixty-two year old Carol something who danced like crazy and that was a kinda shocking performance hahaha. The last guy that got on stage with the guitar was one of the best. He had a beautiful voice and great guitar skills :) Oh man, guys with guitars! Charming! :D
Well my friends know how crazy I am about guys who can play guitars. I mean not just random strumming (everyone can do that) but them who can really play. Plucking the strings with tune, melody and feelings. There's this thing that makes guys look more I dunno - you can say charismatic and charming when they're playing the guitar. You know like John Mayer, Keith Urban and all those fascinating guitarists out there. But the minute they leave the guitar, to me it's all gone! Hahaha.
I know a lot of people who can play the guitar extremely well and I envy their skills cos I'm still an amateur and trying my best to get my notes right. I am so bad at it, gosh! I'm sorry Corday (my guitar) I haven't been playing you these days, Momma still loves you :)
Guitarists have their own cool impression and I can't get over those skilled ones :) I remember one of my primary subtstitute teachers, Mr. Archie and he always had his spanish guitar with him.

Buuuut, because I'm not too good at it, I prefer to listen to those who can play. Jussjeff is one of my favorites on youtube, you should check him out! :)
Salute to guitarists and those who can play! I just love guitars! <3
Lateeeeers :D
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Here and now
I miss playing football with my dad and Tio / I miss uni football practice / I feel like a pig lately, eating so much! / I haven't made any effort of improvement on the guitar / I wanna be in my dorm at Jatinangor / Look at my cheeks tsk / Things are kinda stressful around here / My mind is split into hundreds / I have been going crazy over credits / Tonight, America's got talent! / I read your readables and they're good / I feel like throwing up / Chills and spills / I'm bored and I don't know what to do / Guitar Hero on Playstation / Inspiring quotes / Nervracking behaviour / I don't know what I'm going on about / I just can't say no / The regrets / I don't know what to do /
Friday, January 22, 2010
Classic versus slowjams
The Laboratory work pattern drill scores are out! Aaaaaand, Alhamdulillah! I got an A for it :) My parents were very happy to hear about it when they called and It made me feel good about it too. Still waiting to see how the other scores are gonna be and my heart is palpitating cos the wait is making me feel nervous. I hope they'd be good enough to make my family proud of what I've achieved.
Today I've been kicking back, relaxing, being a lazyass, cbf to do anything. It feels unhealthy yet sooo good :D Plus I think another session of insomnia-ness is gonna strike me tonight. Pffft !
&& there was a change of how I slept last night. I actually fell asleep listening to classic music - which I don't usually, and boy I had the best sleep! I've always had slowjams to lullaby me and accompany my nights. Last night I had Oren Lavie-A dance around the memory tree, Copin-Nocturne, Suzumu Ueda, Kings of convenience's relaxing guitar melodies and other instrumental tunes which I got off from Uppe.
Guess I found a new way to get myself to sleep now hahaha :D
Lateeeeers, back to food and hitting the mattress continuing my lazy day!
Today I've been kicking back, relaxing, being a lazyass, cbf to do anything. It feels unhealthy yet sooo good :D Plus I think another session of insomnia-ness is gonna strike me tonight. Pffft !
&& there was a change of how I slept last night. I actually fell asleep listening to classic music - which I don't usually, and boy I had the best sleep! I've always had slowjams to lullaby me and accompany my nights. Last night I had Oren Lavie-A dance around the memory tree, Copin-Nocturne, Suzumu Ueda, Kings of convenience's relaxing guitar melodies and other instrumental tunes which I got off from Uppe.
Guess I found a new way to get myself to sleep now hahaha :D
Lateeeeers, back to food and hitting the mattress continuing my lazy day!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Future flashback
After weeeeks, complaining to myself about how I havn't watched the movie my class has been going on about, I finally got to watch Sherlock Holmes! :) Got the tickets to watch at Planet Hollywood KC with Uppe and at first we almost changed our minds to watch Nine instead, cos it looked like a real good movie, but we stuck to Sherlock Holmes and I'm grateful that we didn't change our minds hahaha. The movie was awsome! All the detailed analyzation, case-solving, effects - everything! Oh and of course Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law's acting. Great stuff, Fine accent! :)
I was just reading Amel's blog a moment ago and she reposted Viva Twesca. It made me flashback to the good old high school times and how I miss it very much! I can't wait for the Edufair, where the whole 2009 batch are gonna be there and promote their universities. It'll be a mini-reunion and I'm looking forward to the 5th-6th February to see everyone :)
And as for me, I'll be promoting Padjadjaran University with about ten other friends :)
It's happy to know that everyones got their new life after high school and stepping further ahead for the future. Maybe some haven't got in to their dream universities or some just weren't lucky enough to get in yet. Each individual is different. And for that, each person has different paths which leads them to their own destination, to achieve what they aim for, to choose what they want, to believe what choices are the right for them and to be ready to face the risks and consequences. Good luck to all my friends that are intending to go for uni tests this year. Hope you all get into the universities of your dreams and set for your future plans :)
Lateeeeers !
I was just reading Amel's blog a moment ago and she reposted Viva Twesca. It made me flashback to the good old high school times and how I miss it very much! I can't wait for the Edufair, where the whole 2009 batch are gonna be there and promote their universities. It'll be a mini-reunion and I'm looking forward to the 5th-6th February to see everyone :)
And as for me, I'll be promoting Padjadjaran University with about ten other friends :)
It's happy to know that everyones got their new life after high school and stepping further ahead for the future. Maybe some haven't got in to their dream universities or some just weren't lucky enough to get in yet. Each individual is different. And for that, each person has different paths which leads them to their own destination, to achieve what they aim for, to choose what they want, to believe what choices are the right for them and to be ready to face the risks and consequences. Good luck to all my friends that are intending to go for uni tests this year. Hope you all get into the universities of your dreams and set for your future plans :)
Lateeeeers !
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Stupidity is fun !
While writing this post, as I speak, I've been going back and forth on my Facebook notifications which are going crazy because of stupid hilarious comments filling up Adit's photo. I wonder what the other tagged classmate's reactions are gonna be when they see it hehehe :) Apologize us for our stupidity, unimportant, junking and lame word-guessing through the photo comments! :) But it's FUN !
Speaking of Facebook, it's been such a good friend in my boring late-nights facing insomnia. Well yeah it's hard on the mobile credits but well I guess ok, rather than having to force myself to sleep or watch those lame sinetrons on tv.
Lately, I've been going through someone's profile over and over and over again and I hate the fact that I do it everyday. Worst thing is I don't why? I never even speak to him when we pass - just simple smiles. Maybe because of what happened when we first met each other? Ah damn! What's wrong with meeee? Screw that.
I got a question on from Cumi, asking about what supernatural skills would I ask for if I could choose one (kinda sounded like that) and hahaha I answered, I want more than one but if only one then I'd wanna be able to read people's minds. You know like how Sookie Stackhouse can in True Blood. That is cooool. Just walking pass people and knowing whats going on in their heads. I want to be able to do that!
Oh and True Blood is a maaaaddd serial! Good storyline, effects, accent, players, setting etc. But why the heck does there have to be so much sex scenes in it? Besides the eew part, True Blood is second after Gossip Girls hehehe.
Lateeeeerss, back to Facebook :)
Speaking of Facebook, it's been such a good friend in my boring late-nights facing insomnia. Well yeah it's hard on the mobile credits but well I guess ok, rather than having to force myself to sleep or watch those lame sinetrons on tv.
Lately, I've been going through someone's profile over and over and over again and I hate the fact that I do it everyday. Worst thing is I don't why? I never even speak to him when we pass - just simple smiles. Maybe because of what happened when we first met each other? Ah damn! What's wrong with meeee? Screw that.
I got a question on from Cumi, asking about what supernatural skills would I ask for if I could choose one (kinda sounded like that) and hahaha I answered, I want more than one but if only one then I'd wanna be able to read people's minds. You know like how Sookie Stackhouse can in True Blood. That is cooool. Just walking pass people and knowing whats going on in their heads. I want to be able to do that!
Oh and True Blood is a maaaaddd serial! Good storyline, effects, accent, players, setting etc. But why the heck does there have to be so much sex scenes in it? Besides the eew part, True Blood is second after Gossip Girls hehehe.
Lateeeeerss, back to Facebook :)
Everyone has their own problems, either the intsy wintsy small ones or even the biggest kind of problems to face. Some people deal with them patiently while some find it kind of hard and tend to struggle to solve all the matters.
Problems come in different varieties - life, health, family, love, school, economic, social and etc. Each of us has certainly gone through either one of those or maybe even all of them. These problems pop up in our lives for a reason. The fases we go through in solving one problem can actually teach us many things as in experience, holding on, open-mindness and optimism. I find it pity for people who runaway from their problems instead of facing it - or at least try. Thats where you learn about your life lessons, how life goes, how it can be so nice to you one minute but you turn around and before you know it, its not as nice as it was before.
For the ones facing the typical love problems *winkwink* remember love will find a way. Love stays when you want it to stay and you gotta believe that love is a bond. Therefore you fight for it to keep it that way. No matter the case, distance, situation, condition or whatever.
And as for me in facing my life problems. To anyone who feels they hit rock bottom, remember there are much more people who've hit much further. Learn to look at whats below us and be blessed for what we have in our lives.
Sad? well there's others crying for their lost ones. You've lost hope? Remember the ones fighting for it. Broke? There's people looking for rubbish to eat on the streets. Stressed? Well there's someone out there trying to provide rice for his 15 family members.
Problems. Always going to be a part of our lives. Face them with optimism! Be grateful for what god has given you and hopefully you won't live a problematic life which some people think they do.
Problems, no problemo !
Problems come in different varieties - life, health, family, love, school, economic, social and etc. Each of us has certainly gone through either one of those or maybe even all of them. These problems pop up in our lives for a reason. The fases we go through in solving one problem can actually teach us many things as in experience, holding on, open-mindness and optimism. I find it pity for people who runaway from their problems instead of facing it - or at least try. Thats where you learn about your life lessons, how life goes, how it can be so nice to you one minute but you turn around and before you know it, its not as nice as it was before.
For the ones facing the typical love problems *winkwink* remember love will find a way. Love stays when you want it to stay and you gotta believe that love is a bond. Therefore you fight for it to keep it that way. No matter the case, distance, situation, condition or whatever.
And as for me in facing my life problems. To anyone who feels they hit rock bottom, remember there are much more people who've hit much further. Learn to look at whats below us and be blessed for what we have in our lives.
Sad? well there's others crying for their lost ones. You've lost hope? Remember the ones fighting for it. Broke? There's people looking for rubbish to eat on the streets. Stressed? Well there's someone out there trying to provide rice for his 15 family members.
Problems. Always going to be a part of our lives. Face them with optimism! Be grateful for what god has given you and hopefully you won't live a problematic life which some people think they do.
Problems, no problemo !
Monday, January 18, 2010
Smile, help, offer !
Question: Why is it that sometimes people don't have sense of friendliness and humanity around here?
Eversince I stepped back to my country, I've come to realize how people act and react in this kind of culture. No mean to compare and judge negatively but it's the things that have been stored in my head and it analyzes automatically the more I see and go through. I hate to say but theres so much to criticize here and yeah I know critizing is easy, the actions are hard. The way people go on bitching about each other not realizing how they are themselves.
The lack of smiles are one of the things that question me. Why is it so hard to smile to other people? I see that we Indonesians need to practice smiling at each other more often, not meeting someone on the streets and then giving them dirty looks from head to toe just cos you don't like how they dress, the way they do their hair or whatever. You never realize how one smile you give, can affect someone's life and how it actually brightens up your life.
Next thing, why does someone have to know each other in terms to help a person? Stupid if you think about it but it happens. I often hear "Man I wanna help but I dunno that person", like helloooo, you just help! Either you know the person or not, if you want to help, well then do it! Oh and the fact that it takes ages thinking about helping before actually helping someone makes me worried that maybe the brain ain't functioning properly anymore. Hmm?
The other case is one of the most I've seen and experienced. It's when healthy young people, especially men, who don't even bother offering seats to the disable, pregnant, babies and the elder. I always feel like pushing them off their seats and off the bus. Why don't they have any sense of humanity towards others? To all you guys, the healthy and fit people out there, you don't die just for standing in the bus! So offer your seats to the ones who need them the most. No exceptions, girls! You too. You won't get bigger calves just standing a minute or an hour or two. Do a deed and get up hahaha.
It doesn't hurt to smile (unless you've got full-on coldsores hahaha). Start helping whoever, and offer a seat in the bus cos I guarantee its not going to brake your legs or anything. Why don't we start from small things like this and change the negative ways some brainless people started.
These are only like one out of a thousand things questioned in my mind. Talk less, do more - Lateeeers :)
Eversince I stepped back to my country, I've come to realize how people act and react in this kind of culture. No mean to compare and judge negatively but it's the things that have been stored in my head and it analyzes automatically the more I see and go through. I hate to say but theres so much to criticize here and yeah I know critizing is easy, the actions are hard. The way people go on bitching about each other not realizing how they are themselves.
The lack of smiles are one of the things that question me. Why is it so hard to smile to other people? I see that we Indonesians need to practice smiling at each other more often, not meeting someone on the streets and then giving them dirty looks from head to toe just cos you don't like how they dress, the way they do their hair or whatever. You never realize how one smile you give, can affect someone's life and how it actually brightens up your life.
Next thing, why does someone have to know each other in terms to help a person? Stupid if you think about it but it happens. I often hear "Man I wanna help but I dunno that person", like helloooo, you just help! Either you know the person or not, if you want to help, well then do it! Oh and the fact that it takes ages thinking about helping before actually helping someone makes me worried that maybe the brain ain't functioning properly anymore. Hmm?
The other case is one of the most I've seen and experienced. It's when healthy young people, especially men, who don't even bother offering seats to the disable, pregnant, babies and the elder. I always feel like pushing them off their seats and off the bus. Why don't they have any sense of humanity towards others? To all you guys, the healthy and fit people out there, you don't die just for standing in the bus! So offer your seats to the ones who need them the most. No exceptions, girls! You too. You won't get bigger calves just standing a minute or an hour or two. Do a deed and get up hahaha.
It doesn't hurt to smile (unless you've got full-on coldsores hahaha). Start helping whoever, and offer a seat in the bus cos I guarantee its not going to brake your legs or anything. Why don't we start from small things like this and change the negative ways some brainless people started.
These are only like one out of a thousand things questioned in my mind. Talk less, do more - Lateeeers :)
First post of the year. Finally !
Practically as you can see, this is my first post in 2010 and I'm like whaaaaat! It's already halfway through January, where have I been? Boy I miss blogging! The start to the year has been filled with awsome stuff yet stressful at the same time. The final examinations are over and the last semester holidays have just begun. It seems so quick realizing that I'm already starting my second semester in a few more weeks. Yipeeee! All the things that have happened during the start of 2010 has been a positive effect towards me. The bond between classmates and family have grown much stronger. Talking about family, I miss my parents like crazy and I can't wait to see them in May - and thats if I am on holidays at that time. My mum was saying how much she misses Tio and I, feeling as if its been a year already when its only been a month or two. My dad has been calling almost 24-7 and far it makes me wanna see them even more *tears*.
Friends have been the best company and we've been having the time of our lives at Jatinangor the past two weeks. Sleeping over at different places living like having no homes hahaha, messing up each other's dorms, late-night truth or dare poker with toothpaste, guitar singalongs, youtube-ing the same thing over and over again, hangin out at 3am at square-A, eating like pigs and food delivery at 5am, swimming, gossiping, late-night talks and full on laughter, experiencing the most frightening moment ever and a lot more crazy things.
Thanks to Kharisma Tri Andini, Dhea Amanda Rustam, Christiana Arizon, Tentry Yudvi, Aditya Sasmita and Yan Wahyudi who made my days freakin fun :)
Oh and I havn't been patient enough to see how my IP is going to turn out. I'm hoping that it'd be satisfying enough but I don't wanna have high expectations on that. Just praying and hoping it'll be the score that won't be dissapointing to expose as my first score to the family.
Bismillah, wish me luck yeah and lateeers ;)
Friends have been the best company and we've been having the time of our lives at Jatinangor the past two weeks. Sleeping over at different places living like having no homes hahaha, messing up each other's dorms, late-night truth or dare poker with toothpaste, guitar singalongs, youtube-ing the same thing over and over again, hangin out at 3am at square-A, eating like pigs and food delivery at 5am, swimming, gossiping, late-night talks and full on laughter, experiencing the most frightening moment ever and a lot more crazy things.
Thanks to Kharisma Tri Andini, Dhea Amanda Rustam, Christiana Arizon, Tentry Yudvi, Aditya Sasmita and Yan Wahyudi who made my days freakin fun :)
Oh and I havn't been patient enough to see how my IP is going to turn out. I'm hoping that it'd be satisfying enough but I don't wanna have high expectations on that. Just praying and hoping it'll be the score that won't be dissapointing to expose as my first score to the family.
Bismillah, wish me luck yeah and lateeers ;)
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