Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No offense, but

I'm getting fed up with everything here. Well uhm probably, ALMOST everything. The place, the people, the situation and condition, the environment and even the government which I don't quite have anything to do with really. I wanna be somewhere else. A better place, a clearer atmosphere. I'm not implying that I hate my country or anything - I love it actually, having all my friends and family here and there. It's just that this place is just not the place I imagined it to be. I want a better life than this one I have now although I'm grateful that I actually have one. I want things how they used to be back then. Ok I admit, I miss Australia. Who doesn't if you were in my shoes. The place, the people, the friends, the family, the atmosphere, the whole life there. Absolutely different compared to things here which are all messed up and unsolved. I don't blame anyone and no fingers pointed to what's causing me to feel this way. Some understand and a lot might not. I wanna be somewhere other than here and turn things the other way around. God, if only you'd let me. I'm so fed up.

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