On your 42nd birthday, my prayers and best wishes continue for you and they'll never stop. As you reach a different age each year, my love will never change for my beautiful mama. Semoga mama selalu dilindungi Allah SWT wherever, whenever at all times. Semoga mama selalu diberi kesehatan dan umur panjang so you can see your son and daughter grow up to be the best. Semoga Allah SWT melapangkan rezeki mama, melapangkan hati dan fikiran mama. Diberi keselamatan dunia akhirat dan bisa menjadi mama yang diteladani anak-anaknya dan orang lain. Semoga Allah SWT membalas semua amal ibadah mama dan mengampuni semua dosa mama. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
You have been there since the first light that caught my eye. Raised me till this day with your love, which I am blessed for each and every single day. There's no way I can repay all the love you've given to me till today. You mean the world to me and your the reason why I'm here. Whatever numbers describe you, it will never matter because I love you Mama! Happy birthday <3
With love xoxo
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