woke up at 8 today (amazing progress haha) but slept in for another half hour cos i was so sleepy due to staying up till 4am last night cos of the usual insomnia. stayed up watching dvds and big momma's house on tv (again) and facebooking with rayi, bogel, dwi and msn-ing the rest of the night. and i am dead sleepy now! -.-
at 11 went to school and met up with uppe to get the reports signed. school wasn't crowded as it usually was maybe cos everyone has already moved out to prepare things for uni. oh so quick :s
spent 3 hours at school having a long conversation with uppe updating on the latest events and gossip hehe. left school at 2 to go meet up with amel, rayi and ghazi for some heart to heart spillouts at strawberry cafe-nice place to chill out and it's freakin packed with games. i'm happy to know that amel was able to smile eventhough it was really hard to accept the facts going on. i wouldn't know how i'd cope if i were her and if i were the one walking in her shoes. maybe i didn't do anything to really help and ease the pain, but i'm always here to listen and pay attention. i might not have given the best advice or response but trust me i cared. hope today made you feel better mel, your a strong woman :) hope today made you feel a lil better!
hm soo we ordered some drinks and chose a game to play. the first game we picked was kinda lame (a card game adding the amounts of fruits) but it was fun how we all had powder covering our faces haha. then we chose uno splash and it was funny how we were all ready with our cards and all of a sudden rayi was like ''how do you play this?" haha her face expression was hillarious :D we got through a few rounds and started to get bored and again switched to game of life.
none of us really understood how to play the boardgame though amel and ghazi were used to playing the pc version. we were reading the instruction leaflet the whole game haha.
game of life really cracked us up, the game was about career and education, kinda like monopoly but this was like our miniature future life.
results were:
● amel chose to take the career life, got married, had 2 twins and a baby girl, earned a nice house too.
● ghazi chose the college career lane, single, lived with his dog haha but was a big donater for social funds and his novel became a best seller, worked as a vetenarian.
● rayi chose the college career lane too, but she quit the game on the way haha
● i chose career, ended up getting married first (unbelievable haha)with 2 baby boys and worked as a policewoman, wtf? haha
it'll be surprising if one day, any of these results came true :D i think we'll all laugh crying haha.
&& omfg the double scoop chocolate ice cream surabi was belissimo lezato huahaha, a must to taste on the menu! played chairstacks after that which caused a big noise haha very entertaining piling up chairs and trying not to make them fall :) took a few photos and headed back home at 6ish.

got home, prayed and took a bath and hey hey tio's bday :) we were intending to go out and eat but everyone was too tired to go. tio just got home from badminton practice, mama and papa just finished helping out a neighbour who was moving houses, and me who just got home with a sore leg. so my mama suggested for delivery instead. as tio's request tonight, pizza it was! 3 large and hehe a medium specially dedicated just for me. didn't have cake though cos noone here really likes it so it would only just be a waste. papa said a few words about turning 13 which was supposed to be serious but it turned out to make everyone laugh haha. aww my lil brat officially a teenager now :) again, happy birthday kwetio keribo (my special nickname for him) hope you become more independent in doing your homework yeah ;) haha
always love ya bro!
man i need sleep now ! GOODNIGHT WORLD.
Tikaaaa makasih yaaah udah dngerin cerita2 aku..
ReplyDeleteHehehe namaku ada di post ini..jadi maluu..
Makasih yah kmaren uda pada bkin aku ktawa2..omaygod i love you soooo..
Ghazi and rayi also..hehe..
Aku sudah sangat baik2 sajaaa.. Thank you from the deepest of my heart..
Iyayaaa kalo game kmaren bneran pasti lucu bgd..yg ksian si ghazi..hehe..
Kapan2 kta msti ktemuan dan main lg disana ya..and don't forget the surabi!!! Lezatoos..hehe
sama-sama meeel, hope you feel better ya :)
ReplyDeletelooveee you tooo !
hahaha semoga yg bgus2nya aja yg jd kenyataan , masa ghazi single sampe tua ? jgn dooong haha.
wah jd pengen lg gw surabinya hmm enaaak !
keep smiling yo ameliooraaaa ;)