meet my lil brother, ilham austio syofian, tio for short. thirteen this july, big MU fan and a football maniac. he's the best lil bro ever ! thooough sometimes he can be a pain in the neck, especially when it comes to helping him with his homework-MATHEMATIC HOMEWORK that is! it's like hell when we talk about this subject (i really mean it). everything just gets stressful. me teaching him until my neck veins start popping out, him listening to me with the i-dont-understand-face and the fact that he starts crying when it gets all intense. i swear, it's a hard job teaching an eighth grader mathematic almost everyday.
i just happened to finish teaching him some x y z's and AGAIN, it was stressful! it took a freakin hour just to answer 3 annoying questions haha.
i see that tio and mathematics have a few things in common:
- they both drive me crazy
- tio is complicated to understand, just like mathematics.
- in math you need the right formula to get the right answer, whereas tio, you need the right words to get the right explanation from him.
- they've both been in my life eversince the first day i met them haha.
- in math, the higher the level the harder it is. tio? the older he is the harder he is to tell!
god, i just wish he can get through all his mathematic homework days without all this drama haha
love you lil brat no matter what <3
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