Physically, Papa berkumis tebal, berotot gahar dan berbetis besar hahaha. Rambutnya dari dulu segitu-gitu aja. Good sense of clothing, prefers shirts and jeans and no serious suits or tuxedos. He's an average height of a man with a surprisingly proportional weight with muscles and abs. Papa nggak pernah bisa gendut dan separah-parahnya gendut, itupun melebar ke samping hanya seinchi dua inchi - hmm ngiri. He loves to excercise and weightlift a couple of kilos everyday. Katanya kalo lagi sakit, alesannya uda lama nggak jogging dan obatnya olahraga. He loves all kinds of sports especially football dan biasanya kalau ada pertandingan seru kayak euro, liga champion, world cup dll, kita selalu nonton bareng sambil ngemil dan ngopi (hiks, kangen)
Papa berwawasan sangaaaat luas, terutama bidang olahraga, sosial, musik dan politik, therefore he's one of the best sources of information that I know of. Papa pinter bergaul sama orang from upper-class, middle-class and lower-class society. Papa suka cerita tentang hal apapun mulai dari detail terkecil sampai yang bisa dibilang nggak penting. Dan kalo lagi jalan-jalan kemanapun, he can be the best guide you'll ever have because he explains everything on the way percisely like a tour guide. Papa adalah orang yang nggak pernah marah, mukul, nyubit, nampar ataupun main fisik atau apapunlah namanya. He also has many special abilites like whistling with his tongue, football juggling and heaps more. He can sing, play the guitar, flute, keyboard and harmonica.
Waktu kecil, setiap hari Papa selalu nganter dan ngegendong gw di punggungnya ke sekolah sampe gw uda cukup tua untuk sadar kalo gw uda nggak pantes lagi digendong. He has always been there for me at all times.
Papa is the most hardworking man with the biggest hardworking spirit. Dari dulu kerja full-time jobs dan double shifts buat menuhin kebutuhan keluarga, and he always buys whatever his children need, want and ask for. Walaupun kerja full-time, he always has spare time for the family and on the weekends we go out to eat or spend quality time with each other. Dia orang yang sangat royal ke siapapun terutama keluarga.
Papa bisa dibilang orang yang nggak sabaran, tapi untuk masalah keluarga, he's number one. Papa orang yang saking banyaknya pengalamannya, harus sambung cerita tiap lagi cerita ke gw dan Tio. Dia orang paling mandiri yang gw kenal. Pantang menyerah, pekerja keras, tangguh dan penyayang. When he has money, he can spoil us like crazy. But when it's the other way around, he'll do his best to occupy our wants and needs in any way he can.
Biarpun papa jarang bilang sayang, I love you atau kata-kata romantis semacamnya ke Mama, Tio ataupun gw, he has his own ways of telling and showing us and we know how big his love is for us and yes we love him from the deepest part of our hearts. Papa selalu ketawa tiap Mama ngelawak and I know how much Papa loves Mama eventhough he rarely expresses it by words. They complete one another and I guess they're mean to be with each other - I hope that one day, I meet a man similar to my dad and have a son just like him. He deeply loves his family, mum, dad, brothers, sisters and friends eventhough he just doesn't express it.
There's just not enough words to describe how much I love my dad and there's nothing big enough to show the world how blessed and grateful I am to have him in my life.

Whenever I think about everything he's done for the family, how he's sacrificed, how he works so hard for us, you know, I start to cry. Gw sedih banget karena gw tau, gw ga bakal bisa ngasih apa yang bokap gw uda kasih ke gw selama ini. Gw juga sadar bokap gw semakin tua. He's soon-to-be 49 and you know that they're getting older and you start to fear all those unwanted feelings. Air mata selalu netes tiap gw keinget hal ini. Gw belum bisa ngasih apapun buat nyenengin dia. Mengingat sekarang bokap gw juga jauh di Sumatera dan ketemu dia paling pas liburan makes it even more intense. It all frightens me to know that one day he won't be here anymore, and I haven't a single thing to make him proud.
Papa, walaupun secara langsung nggak bisa bilang tapi Papa harus tau kalo Tika sayang banget sama Papa. Tika selalu inget kata-kata dan nasehat Papa, yg bikin ketawa, kesel dan juga nangis. Thank you will never be enough for me to say to you, for all the things you've done for me and what I do will never be enough to repay your love in any way. Tika minta maaf kalo Tika pernah bikin Papa sedih, marah atau kecewa. You are the best dad any child could ever have and I'm lucky that I have you. You're a role model I look up to. You're my hero. You're my dad. Tika selalu berdo'a buat Papa sama Mama and I'll never stop my prayers for you. Semoga selalu dilindungi Allah SWT dimanapun dan dalam kondisi apapun. I love you no matter what and I'll do my best to make you happy, Pa. Happy Fathers Day.
(This blog will just never be enough to describe...)
tikaaa ohmejiii.
ReplyDeletesumpah ya kerenlah ikutan nangis bacanya juga..hehe :)