Just wanna share a bit of my experience about an event I participated in last week. It's called Piala Rektor, a football championship held annualy against all the faculties and is one of the most prestigious events held for the students and teachers of Unpad.
This event taught me many things and valuable lessons. Why? The proccess of it all. One week before the event there was a team selection and we had to pass that in order to make it into the team for the competition. Ten of us girls passed - Nana, Tete, Dara, Seddy, Titis, Shinta, Lia, Yuu, Ibon and I. Everyday we practiced after uni until night for about only a week. We gained new skills, tactics and positions. Yet most important, we gained new friendship :) We also had a great manager, Kak Novi. Great coaches, Kakvin, Kaknina and Kakcut plus spiritual advisor, Bang Helmy. You can say a week was short but wow, it was tiring. In short, we competed, did our best and made it to the finals but lost against Fisip, while the boy's team got third place.
What I learnt from this event is that:
- YES, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Without practicing you won't know how far your abilities are or how left behind you are at something. Practicing is the key to capability and progress. Eventhough we only had one week of practice, but it was all worth it and we now know the benefits of it all. Practicing should be applied in everyday life for studies and etc. You'll see the difference.
- TRUSTING OTHERS. In football trust is a big thing. Trusting your team-mate is one of the main keys to a solid team. Same as in life, you need to trust other people if you want to be trusted as well. Believe in other people and know that they won't dissapoint you and vice versa. As for friendship and relationship, learn how to trust each other, therefore it becomes the thing that keeps the bond together.
- TEAMWORK. It needs two to tango and eleven to play football. In this case on this field it needed five. The whole competition was about teamwork, how we cooperated with one another. Teamwork was the whole point in the game. Eventhough you were good individually, but without your team-mate, you became nothing. Thats what it is like in life. You might be individually successful, smart, beautiful or whatever, but if you can't cooperate well with other people then there's just no point.
- IT'S NOT ABOUT WINNING AND LOSING. IT'S ABOUT THE PROCCESS OF IT ALL. Dang, this really got me! At first, in our heads were about winning, first place, trophy, pride and etc. But at the end, personally I realized it was all about the proccess of it all. The days we spent practicing, the bond we created, the friendship, the amazing teamwork, the extra hardwork, the time spent, just everything. It was all priceless. Okay, it was dissapointing not winning the first place. But look on the brightside, Second place, a trophy, cash and of course the best team ever ! We did our best and we're proud of it. Loved the competition, loved the matches, loved the team! Also thumbs up for the crew who did a great job on this event!
--> Proud to be a part of the Faculty of Letter's Girl's football team :) GO FIGHT WIN SASTRAAAA !