Monday, October 5, 2015

Well Hello There, I'm Back!

After more than three years leaving this blog to rust, Khairiyah Sartika-the-lazy-procrastinator has finally made her random decision to continue what she actually started with passion. Yeah, writing, blabbering and letting out all sorts of whatevers that pop out of her random mind for her own sake of ventilating, storing words and memories, also re-nourishing her goldfish memory.......


Exactly why now, I don't really know. But the urge to keep writing (out of daily professional purposes) has always had me tugging back and forth to come back here and start writing again. I contemplated a few times on getting this blog active again due to the fact that Twitter, Instagram and Path caught more of my daily attention. But there always comes that time when you just feel like pouring all these things you have swirling in your head, and then it just goes to waste because you just can't be bothered. And a platform like this is close to perfecto.

But when you come to think of it again in another perspective, in five or ten years time, the things you write down today, one day become great source of reminders, flashback moments and something to cherish for a lifetime. And as a bonus, perhaps becomes a piece that someone can casually read with their own state of mind.

As for today, reading what I've been writing these past years have become quite interesting actually. Some I don't even remember happening eventually become reminders of moments forgotten in the past. Some I can laugh to and some to reminisce about all over again. But that's what I kinda mean.

You write because you want to. Whatever outcome it brings later on, well that's a part of what you reap after you've planted.

I don't know what i'm really trying to say, but hey Tick-Tack-Talk is FINALLY back *Cheers* ♥