Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Everyone has their own problems, either the intsy wintsy small ones or even the biggest kind of problems to face. Some people deal with them patiently while some find it kind of hard and tend to struggle to solve all the matters.
Problems come in different varieties - life, health, family, love, school, economic, social and etc. Each of us has certainly gone through either one of those or maybe even all of them. These problems pop up in our lives for a reason. The fases we go through in solving one problem can actually teach us many things as in experience, holding on, open-mindness and optimism. I find it pity for people who runaway from their problems instead of facing it - or at least try. Thats where you learn about your life lessons, how life goes, how it can be so nice to you one minute but you turn around and before you know it, its not as nice as it was before.
For the ones facing the typical love problems *winkwink* remember love will find a way. Love stays when you want it to stay and you gotta believe that love is a bond. Therefore you fight for it to keep it that way. No matter the case, distance, situation, condition or whatever.
And as for me in facing my life problems. To anyone who feels they hit rock bottom, remember there are much more people who've hit much further. Learn to look at whats below us and be blessed for what we have in our lives.
Sad? well there's others crying for their lost ones. You've lost hope? Remember the ones fighting for it. Broke? There's people looking for rubbish to eat on the streets. Stressed? Well there's someone out there trying to provide rice for his 15 family members.

Problems. Always going to be a part of our lives. Face them with optimism! Be grateful for what god has given you and hopefully you won't live a problematic life which some people think they do.
Problems, no problemo !

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