Tuesday, September 15, 2009

i'm home, should i blame the food or the lecturer ?

i'm baaaaaaack !!
yes, back to home sweet home, back to jakarta, back to television :) (i havn't watched tv for a month lol)
after some tough decisions wether i should jig 2 lessons at uni to arrive earlier in jakarta or not, i did hehe. my holidays were supposed to start on the 18th but man i couldn't wait any longer than the 12th to get my ass back to jakarta.
and the story goes..

i had the usual grammar and paragraph writing class. all the lecturers had already let us go on holiday except for this grammar teacher, so annoying and not understanding -_- so i thought that i'd have to attend in class, great rrr!
the same night, the english department 09 held a buka puasa bersama with the other english department students from '06 '07 and '08. my ospek group performed jason mraz and colbie's lucky - with me playing the guitar. the show was entertaining and we got to know others aswell. at the end everyone made a long line and we shook hands, forgiving each other cos a few more days to go till lebaran. the crew had a final evaluation and that was where i felt the family feeling :) i just love these people !

i woke up with the worst stomache ache ever. i was thinking it was caused by the sambel or es buah last night but i dunno. all i know, it made me go back and forth to the toilet. a few hours after that my feet started to freeze and my body started to sweat heavily. i caught a fever and i was soooo weak due to the dhiarrea. i texted my mum and she said i should go home sunday. hard to say yes immediately cos i still had 2 lessons on monday and wednesday (thanks to that grammar teacher -.-). but after thinking it over, i called my mum and said "i'm coming home tomorrooow! :)"
i packed my things and slept the rest of the day to recharge my strength.

caught a bus from cileunyi, paid 26 rupiah for the tickets (cheeeaap !) and sat for three hours hoping to arrive asap. got to the last stop, lebak bulus, and there they were! my mum and aunty :) i ran to them like in those indian movies and hugged them soooo tight. man it felt so good to see them again, like after a year-like month in bandung.
got home and faaaarrr! my lil bro is whiter and taller haha :) man i missed him heaps!
i salam-ed the whole fam and neighbours, and wow what a damn good day at home :)


the dhiarrea to start again. this time even worse. after 6 times going back and forth i couldn't stand it anymore. i felt dizzy, weak, no energy. my vision started to blur and i felt like vomiting - which i did.
like to be honest, i thought i was gonna pass out, fortunately my uncle helped me up and gave me a glass of warm water.
i went to the medical clinic and they gave me medicine to take three times a day.
my mum rubbed me with cajuput oil and i slept the whole day.
wew, what a start of returning home haha
and what an essay of a story haha.

theres no better place than home, no better thing than mama's cooking and no better people than your family & friends :)

loving the hot weather too, since bandung is freakin cold, i miss sweating hehe :)

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